I found my old band's pro-manufactured/recorded CDs. $2 + $2shipping

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Ok, so I found 100 copies of Distorted Mind - Thin Air and Empty Shadows. These are available on The End Records, as well as other places around the web, but I figured that I'd offer them on here, as well... for cheaper. The band was a doom/death project.

I am asking for $2 a cd (where the hell will you find a new, unopened cd for that price?) and $2 shipping. This price only stands for the USA. If you're from Canada or some other weird place, I'd have to find out the shipping cost.

I want to get rid of all of these cds since I'll be going into the Navy soon and won't be home for whothefuckknowshowlong, and I need to get rid of stuff.

There are three tracks on it, ending at a total of 22 minutes.

If you're interested, just PayPal $4 to bozzltov@gmail.com.

Hell, it's worth it just for the damn artwork inside of the booklet alone. The songs are pretty cool, too. :)
Yeah? Well guess what? The singer/guitarist gave me a copy personally also AND his private area touched MY private area in Seattle MORE than one time.

So HAHA to the fucking lot of you!!!!!!!!
private areas are meant to be private, washed frequently and never ever shared or bumped or touched as they are dirty filthy manifestations of our baser instincts, that is all