i found this guy's question interesting...


Sep 21, 2006
he asked me on myspace, i thought some of you might like this...

Sep 16, 2008 7:53 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]
RE: No Subject
in my opinion, a pod, and an amp are the same...

the funny thing is, no one puts the 2 and 2 together.

you hear people say, "the pod sucks, it has fizz and its muddy and it doesnt sound like my amp"

then people say, "how do i make my recordings of my amp sound like these records, no matter where i put the mic or how much eq i apply to the track, it still doesnt sound great like my favorite records"

and its a really simple answer man. you have to edit and tweak the fuck out of everything you record to make it sound good.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Griz
Date: Sep 16, 2008 6:12 PM

my name is chris. i already wrote to your foundation studio address some weeks ago but i don't know if you check the messages on this account personally. i don't want to annoy you with this...so if you don't want to answer i will not write you again.
i'm a big fan of your productions and i read in the internet that you did almost all of your guitar-recordings with a pod.that's amazing...i mean, it doesn't sound like the typical ..pod-sound.
it..'s so powerful and there's no fizz or muddy low-end frequencies.how did you get that powerful and clear sound?what settings and plugins did you use?did you use any impulse response or something?
would be nice to hear from you...

i agree with ya there mate, its a wierd one the pod, you just have to forget what it says its modelling and tweak the knobs in a totally different way to how you'd tweak the same amp
i agree with ya there mate, its a wierd one the pod, you just have to forget what it says its modelling and tweak the knobs in a totally different way to how you'd tweak the same amp


When I play on a new amp, I always set everything to 7 except presence, and tweak from there(Because it seems to sound pretty good on every higain amp out there.).
But on the pod i find my self pulling the bass all the way up, the mids at 7, treble at 5(max), and presence almost touching the floor. o,0
Yeah I don't get why on the dual recto model I have to dime that goddamn presence knob to make it sound alive lol
They could have tweaked better the "noon o clock" settings at line6... on a pod everything works differently lol
If you can tweak a pod right it will sound better than a very bad recorded amp, still I like a real amp better.
I think using a pod as an alternative to any given amp would be the wrong aproach anyway. Forget what the models are supposed to sound like. Just get the best tone you can, just as you would with a real amp. Trying to fake a specific tone just doesn't seem logical to me.
The thing is that POD is just a virtual representantion of an amp, it's TRYING to sound like an mic'd amp. It's not intended to fully replace real amps in recordings, it's just an alternative. People who have acoustically treated room to put their amp+cab in and mic em up will surely do this rather than doing his records on a POD. If someone can't have access to such a room or to such equipment he goes for POD or any other thingies like Revalver/Amplitube. Personally I'd have any decent recording tube preamp(like engl 530) any day over my Gearbox or Revalver III for use with impulses.
I was trying to come up with an analogy to this and what I got is that POD vs real amps is like wanking vs having sex with insanely hot chick. Process is similiar, ending results are too, but still the latter is better because first is missing something there...
I was trying to come up with an analogy to this and what I got is that POD vs real amps is like wanking vs having sex with insanely hot chick. Process is similiar, ending results are too, but still the latter is better because first is missing something there...

:lol: nicely put.

being someone that has had to endure the pod for the past several years i can't wait to reamp on my next project, and/or just get/rent a real tube amp/speakers and mic it. i miss my old marshalls. the tone and the feeling was completely different. for me, more inspiring.

pods are great for what they do, model, and allow you to record a 'decent' tone without having to have a treated room, mics, loud noise, etc. but imo, they just simply can not reproduce (100%) the sound of a real tube amp/speaker, room, air, mic. too many things happening on completely different planes.

in 10yrs - the way recording technology is evolving - who knows!
Tweaking is fun !

I mean.. my favourite modeller (up until revalver which i'm slowly discovering) is NI Guitar Rig...

The first thing you can do when you install Guitar Rig is delete all the presets. My best efforts were achieved with simulating ProCo Rat into the Mesa into a Orange 4x12 and a Ampeg 1x15... go figure...
The first thing you can do when you install Guitar Rig is delete all the presets. My best efforts were achieved with simulating ProCo Rat into the Mesa into a Orange 4x12 and a Ampeg 1x15... go figure...

Yea, that's what I'm talking about with the usage of modelers. Alot of people get frustrated with Pods and the like because the model of their favorite amp doesn't sound like their amp. Duh, it's not the (an) amp. But if a modeler is all you have or are able to use, and you make due with it, you'll likely achieve better results than if you treat it as a shortcut to a particular sound.
I think you can extend the same argument - modelers aren't real amps, but they have eccentricities and charm of their own that just makes things awesome if you're into pushing limits for pushing limits' sake.
