Trip Rec + Impulses question


Apr 17, 2009
I've been trying to use the preamp out on my trip rec combined with some impulses like s-preshigh. I get hella latency from the amp sims like 8505 and tbh to my ears they just sound like tin can with fizzy juice on the lid <-- bad description?

Off the bat the tone actually sounds quite good but its when i double track and record it sounds really muddy in the mid-range but then when i scoop the tiniest bit it sounds crap and ALL the tone is lost. Its like an on/off switch

Setup is Ibanez Jcust RG8527 w Blackouts (I know there are those of you out there that hate these pickups but put your differences aside for this thread)

Trip rec going into pod input (my interface is fucked) noise gated in gearbox and then into kefir where i apply s-preshigh.

Can anyone give me some tips for recording using their amps and impulses..i may be missing something fundamental but from what i've read on the forums the more you get ur amp involved in the equation the better the tone you should get!

I am not sure what gating the sound in gearbox will do but I can't imagine it being that great...

Anyway, you'll want to worry about your pre-amp more than your power-amp, so the presence setting on your amp is going to be useless, and also, try to have your pre-amp turned up as loud as possible, and then compensate with your 'output' knob to have it where you aren't going to be annoying your street. I record with impulses like this because it is much quieter than micing an amp, but to be honest I enjoy micing an amp more.

Be wary of the bass...sometimes impulses can have a really weird sound with lots of heavy chugging and the bass can be overpowering and often have terrible clipping issues. Bass is something you have to tame with any rectifier anyway so I'm sure you can experiment and come up with some good stuff.
I gated it because for some reason if i dont i get this horrendous noise which sounds like my lead isnt plugged into the jack but when i adjust the threshold i get the guitar coming through without that noise..i really dont think thats an issue but ill try and work around it. Actually, i noticed on orange channel the presence didnt make any difference at all but it did lots on the red channel so i think there's only some truth in what you just said there. I can have the amp master with the output full running at about 9 o clock on the master dial with the load box i have. Yeah i totally agree about the bass but i tend to keep my bass at about 10 o clock , my mids at 12 o clock and my treble at 1.

I'll try and get some clips of the tone for you guys but that might take a week so any more advice/notes on your own experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Also any other impulses you think I should try because i've only heard godly things about s-preshigh as if its going to fucking save the world from aliens and not much about any others. Then again some mixes i've heard with it are fucking incredible......most with a 5150 though :(
Might take a week? Just fucking bounce something you recorded, it takes like 5 minutes to bounce something, convert to mp3 and upload to dropbox. You can type words all you want but until someone HEARS what you are talking about you are wasting everyone's time.
I just moved into a flat and my recording gear is at home...I scrapped the recordings i did with it because i hated them thats why i said it might take a week for me to get clips there's no need to be an asshole. I just asked for some general tips nothing specific to my mixes so i dont think you really have the right to say i'm wasting anybody's time considering there are alot more 'time wasters' running around on this forum.

Anyway for those of you who have something productive to say i'll keep you updated if you want clips!
Hey, just read this again. I really didn't mean to come off so harsh, I just thought, at the time, if you were able to try suggestions then you could bounce something. Words are very subjective to who reads them and describing sound is usually something very vague. I didn't know you just moved and your gear was elsewhere! If you look I have been here for a long time, not busting that card out for that reason, but I have seen TONS, I mean TONS of threads like this where it is a dead end street without sound samples to go by. That's all I was getting at basically.

Apologies man :kickass:
Thanks alot for the apology its swayed my opinions! appreciate it and hope to get some clips up soon - afterall its only for my own benefit. :) :p
I've been trying to use the preamp out on my trip rec combined with some impulses like s-preshigh. I get hella latency from the amp sims like 8505 and tbh to my ears they just sound like tin can with fizzy juice on the lid <-- bad description?

i don´t get it: why are feeding your preamp out into an ampsim?
just use the preamp out or use the pod DI to amp sim.
also, search and try Guitarhack´s impulses, those will sound great for shure

Off the bat the tone actually sounds quite good but its when i double track and record it sounds really muddy in the mid-range but then when i scoop the tiniest bit it sounds crap and ALL the tone is lost. Its like an on/off switch
try using less gain
are u auditioning just the guitars? DON`T
u´ve got to have some bass in there and drums, u need to audition the whole thing not just the guitars because u will not have the whole picture in front of u

Trip rec going into pod input (my interface is fucked) noise gated in gearbox and then into kefir where i apply s-preshigh.
so, u are using the pod´s usb connection to take the signal in?
try le pou´s ir loader
sorry that wasnt clear its not going into an amp sim like 8505 i was meant to explain that i didnt like the amp sims because of latency. My preamp out goes into my pod input because i dont have an interface with other inputs that i can use. I'll search those guitarhacks impulses.

Will the gain decrease stop the hissing before i apply my low pass?

Well i never usually have bass I usually do guitars first or bass first and vice versa to layer my tracks..i suaully always have drums on the go - just got the slate samples. So you're saying i should have the guitar and bass playing through the monitors at the same time and adjust the tones seperately?

Yes the usb from the pod is taking the signal to the computer. Is the i.r loader the new fancy one in the package he released with the stack/preamp etc?

thanks man!!
sorry that wasnt clear its not going into an amp sim like 8505 i was meant to explain that i didnt like the amp sims because of latency. My preamp out goes into my pod input because i dont have an interface with other inputs that i can use.

that´s not the ampsims problem it´s your problem: get a proper interface so u can get low latency (instead of another preamp like in your other thread, a interface should be yout priority in GAS :) )
have u acessed the control panel of the pod to lower the latency?

Will the gain decrease stop the hissing before i apply my low pass?
?? what hissing?? i don´t understand this one?

So you're saying i should have the guitar and bass playing through the monitors at the same time and adjust the tones seperately?
i´m saying it´s all parts of the puzzle and for u to complete it u have to put the pieces auditioning everything, playing to ear if there are clashes in freq, etc; here u need to do some homework i´m affraid

Yes the usb from the pod is taking the signal to the computer. Is the i.r loader the new fancy one in the package he released with the stack/preamp etc?

yes, i´d prefer that to kefir becuase u have more options, but they do the same thing, it was just a suggestion