I get to choose a guitar out to buy, what is something good for $200-300?

There no doubt about it I love how that guitar looks, I would want one just like it

but I did a little research and asked around about it, and someone said Hornets are made from Agathis trees, and sound like crap?

Anything in this price range will be made of either that or basswood. I can't say that I'd recommend any of these, but at that cost you don't have many options.

You do, however, get a well-done set neck (if you're into that sort of thing - I am, I hate bolt-on heels) and a generally well-put-together guitar. The hardware is also quality stuff and you could get great sounds out of it with new pickups and some tweaking.

Oh I see, so the guy that said hornets sound like crap said it from a rich point of view
What about Jackson King V? Ive got my mind set on getting one now, I hear good things about them

After looking through those Rondo guitars again (haven't looked at the cheaper ones in a while) there's an Explorer-shape (and if you don't like Explorers... Devin Townsend) made of mahogany with a set maple neck for $250. I'd be tempted to go for that if I had a dime to my name.



I like that style, it will be my second option

My guitar center didn't even have PODs, do you think they would have something like that Rondo or a Jackson King V? But they do have a big selection
They wouldn't have Rondos. That's something you have to order online from them directly, unfortunately, but you do save money over going through middleman after middleman so you're really getting a guitar that you might pay twice as much for in GC.
