i got a haircut

lizard said:
I could not have helped noticing, tho, Katrina's pert buttocks as she walked up those steps.
lizard, you knnnnoooooooooowwwwwwwwww you didnt mention to your wife that you were going to lunch with another woman.
lizard said:
no ~~ I didn't.
but since I knew nothing was going to happen, I figured it was cool :)
heheh. my point was that, as a fellow married dude, i know that you know that your wife wouldnt approve. some couples are pretty laid back and open, but even then, there are just some certain things that are essentially *rules*. heh, one of which is to *not* tell your wife about talking to hot chicks at work.....which is pretty much the only reason i feel like going to work at all.*

*disclaimer: it's just talk though. no sex involved. err....kinda.
dorian gray said:
heheh. my point was that, as a fellow married dude, i know that you know that your wife wouldnt approve. some couples are pretty laid back and open, but even then, there are just some certain things that are essentially *rules*. heh, one of which is to *not* tell your wife about talking to hot chicks at work.....which is pretty much the only reason i feel like going to work at all.*

*disclaimer: it's just talk though. no sex involved. err....kinda.

err....explain. :p
heh, i better not. i'm actually embarrased by my lack of self-control. although i know that people are much much worse, it still pains me to know that i have weaknesses. for that reason, and the fact that something as simple as a kiss could ruin a marriage, i highly recommend that married people avoid having "friends" of the opposite sex. face it, no guy is ever friends with someone they wouldnt fuck if given the chance.
that said, cheers to all you single guys and: fuck away!
dorian gray said:
face it, no guy is ever friends with someone they wouldnt fuck if given the chance.

not entirely true, (depending upon how desperate I got) a few of my chick friends are like... 250+ lbs and ugly to boot. but the great majority are like.... twigs with boobs.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
a few of my chick friends are like... 250+ lbs and ugly to boot.
bwahaha! true, there are some exceptions. not for me though. one day i just realized that i was "friends" with the hottest chicks in the building....and that probably wasn't good for me in the long term. if i was single though....oh man.