Alternatives to iTunes and shit (nukklah?)

Just started using Foobar2000. Simple interface, fully supports all types of audio files, multiple playlist manager, conversion between formats, doesn't cause lag to antiquated computers, doesn't begin with the letter I, etcetera. The llama's ass has been kicked once again.
I've been listening to mp3s from my pc set on random lately and there's just soooooo fucking much quality shit out there that I do not own, yet have completely forgotten about seeing as my music habits usually consist of consuming a half a dozen albums for a several week basis, as opposed to nibbling from every part of the salad bar. Fucking eh, Dornenreich's 1st, Burzum's Last, Branikald's bxhagvafdsf album, etcetera, etcetera. I'm contemplating picking up an external hard drive and ripping my entire collection, which would be a daunting task, but Meg Whitman's maid is on the market, and I have a few bucks to spare. So what's this dizz illy with dit sheet, is it as simple as a plug and play, where the external hd can be tapped in to like a cheap hooker with two kopecks dropped in to her slit? Eh I'll probably never by an Ipud nor an HD drive to rip all my tunes, but I'll probably end up buying Belus, and that's something all ye lads should be fully aware of! Tis all kids!

Furthermore, this post is a complete juxtaposition of my post that inspired Greg to sit down with 15 albums for the remainder of the year. I'm in a current state where I want to nip on the salad bar and taste every crouton that has slipped me by. Moderation of half a dozen listens to a wide array of albums, as opposed to half a dozen albums listened to ad nauseum. I've listened to Om a good 100+ times over the past 3 months. Oy vey, fucking phenomenal, but you can only watch an Oscar award winning movie sooo many times before it becomes counter-productive to the whole.
