I got the new Bloodbath album... and it rules!


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
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I got it in mp3 format from an aquaintance, and I'm NOT going to tell anyone where to get it, so don't bother to ask!

Anyways, the album kicks ass! The production is kinda rough, but it's awesomely fitting for this kind of album. THIS is awesome oldschool styled death metal. The vocals are awesome and brutal, yet VERY understandable. There are absolutely no clean vocals on this album at all.

The guitar tone is cool, and the riffs rock too. As for the drumming, what can I say, it's great old DM drumming. :p

I think you guys will be very impressed when you finally get a chance to hear it. It will be well worth the wait-- it was for me! :D

And, to end this message, one of my favorite quotes from the album:


This is old news. I've had it for a few weeks now. I haven't shared it either, but it's leaked out, it's on of all the p2p's among other places to get albums in mp3.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't have connections that allow for the hearing of new albums long before their release.

The guy who started this thread is a dork.

He's trying to make us feel jealous for something that's available to everyone.

And dude...the only reason the "production is rough" is because you don't have the most recent rip of it. The production is much better. Get with the program...

Sorry, don't mean to be an asshole. :)
Just thought I'd enlighten you to your non-specialness.
I must be blind or something, because I haven't seen any MP3s on any P2P programs I use.
I tried direct connect briefly today and found nothing. I'll try again though. MIRC is hard work for such a lazy person as I, but for Akerfeldt related material, I guess it's worth it. :)
Originally posted by muthafukka
jeez....if anyone wants it message me....no need to brag and not share.

:lol: that first post was really moronic, boasting about something that really doesnt even make him special in the slightest.
This might sound lame, but what the fuck is a p2p? I've heard it mentioned so many times since the SymX album leak and this Bloodbath leak and i have never heard the term before.
And, btw, i've heard a couple of the sample tracks from bloodbath's website (freakin' 29 seconds?!) and i'm very intrigued! If somebody could just direct me to where to get a couple of FULL songs, even from the older album, i would appreciate it. :D
What I find to be funny is the fact that he seems to feel that for him to have a copy of the CD yet not share it is still ethically right. You're already in the wrong, chief. You're doing the band any favours, so get over yourself, you self-righteous fuck.

Damn, I'm pissy today.
that first post was really moronic, boasting about something that really doesnt even make him special in the slightest.
Um that is all this thread is! You did the same, and so did the guy that started this thread, jackass. If hes a moron because he has it and will share it, but your not a moron because your saying you have it but won't share it? If anything YOU were boasting... :rolleyes: