Bloodbath - Are you anxious about it?

i really don't have any interest in this project just because it's another ordinary death metal stuff...
people, don't you are sick and tired of listen the same stuff? i know sometimes is good to listen to old shit but...
It's like American death metal mixed with Swedish death metal. Or something. It's like regular, straight-ahead old death metal but more melodic and generally quite nice. I'll definately get it.
Originally posted by changso
Do you mean that Cannibal Corpse isn't true Death Metal? Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not into this kind of stuff!!!!

I checked out some Cannibal Corpse Lyrics and video and I laugh for about 30 minutes non-stop...

What's the difference between a band like Bloodbath and Cannibal Corpse?

Dude, your comments up to here dont even deserve a decent response. You flamed bloodbath without even listening to it. Get tha fuck outa here! </end flame>

Dude go download the mp3 they have at
then you can decide truly if you like it or not.

I dont really like "brutal death metal" but breeding death just has this groove that 99% of bands dont. Cant wait for the full length, breeding death truly rocked my world. Its amazing how easily writing good music comes to these guys.
Dude, your comments up to here dont even deserve a decent response. You flamed bloodbath without even listening to it. Get tha fuck outa here!

Where the hell did I flammed bloodbath!!! Just show me where!
I got Breeding Death afte reading an interview with Anders in a CM Catalog,some of the best death metal EVER...i've been anticipating this one since...It must be out soon!!!
Some of you say that the EP is a breath of fresh air. It's not! It's a total homage to the old-school DM bands.

The keyboard part that everyone loves is almost a note for note copy of the godly keyboard riff on the Entombed song "Left Hand Path" off the album with the same name (which was released in either 1990 or 1991). Listen to it!

The Bloodbath guys will totally admit that what they're doing is NOTHING original, but I love it nonetheless!

Can't wait for the new album!