I had a horible day at work (both jobs) and so I go out with a friend and my g/f for some drinks, come home and find a nice little package from Amazon.co.uk, it could be one of 2 things, the new Anthrax disc that wasn't expected to be here until at the earliest monday or the DVD's of "They Live" and Megadeths "Rusted Pieces" DVD, that neither of are availble here, the package was fairly small so I just figured they decided to ship the DVD's seperate and I was guessing it was one of the above, then the Anthrax CD pops it's head out of the box and I nealy shit, it's the Digipak edition, the way it opens is really funky, I'm not going to spoil that for anyone, but it's cool, as for the music, wow, that's all I can say at this time, this album is to the Bush era 'Thrax as to what Among the Living was to Belladonna era 'Thrax, it's too new to start picking favorites, but almost every song stands out for some reason or another, it's great to have a 5 piece Anthrax again, it sounds a lot fuller than the last two, maybe more on this later, it was worth the wait since Volume 8
to Rob, he tears it up on this
