I gotta be honest Egan


Feb 20, 2005
I really dig your band, but I wish you had more songs like "Lies that Bind" - it has such a unique power to it, with the really cool use of seemingly atonal guitar lines that I associate with you guys - but also, it just has a really solid structure and powerful, memorable sections, while still being all gloomy and depressing and dark and stuff. :D I mean, some of your other songs do too, of course, but this one always stuck out to me, though maybe cuz I have a pretty powerful association between song and (excellent) video.

Anyway, this is first and foremost an appreciation thread, so here's the vid in question that I really dig!

Did you guys have a "single" off of "Lost to the Living"?
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My only complaint with Daylight Dies is that Egan doesn't sing enough. Especially on the new album. You have an amazing clean voice, man, and I love how emotive it is without being cheesy or 'emo' in any way.
I recall Egan saying that he doesn't even like singing/the sound of his voice, but he just does it because he's the best/only candidate in the band (which I completely identify with myself). However, I have to agree that I would definitely give a thumbs up to more singing parts in future material. I know what you're saying Jeff, it doesn't sound cheesy or weak in the least bit...which is a hallmark of all my favorite singers.
havent heard any daylight dies before now
sounds pretty good i have to admit
and those clean vocals are indeed gorgeous sounding :D
wish i had that gentle a voice
I recall Egan saying that he doesn't even like singing/the sound of his voice, but he just does it because he's the best/only candidate in the band (which I completely identify with myself). However, I have to agree that I would definitely give a thumbs up to more singing parts in future material. I know what you're saying Jeff, it doesn't sound cheesy or weak in the least bit...which is a hallmark of all my favorite singers.

You know... the the fact that he doesn't like his own voice might even be contributing to how much I like it. That could very well be the source of the uneasy/unsure quality and feel I get from it and that matches the music/lyrics so well.

One of my favorite things about this band has always been this immense feeling of emotional honesty spilling out from all parts of the music, be it the drumming, riffing, or lyrics. You don't get that too often these days, unfortunately. Listening to Daylight Dies, for me, is a wholly cathartic experience.
See, I don't wanna dwell too much on the negative, but for me, some of the tracks on LttL especially are just a bit too atonal/dense for me to really feel much emotion from; IMO "Lies that Bind" (as well as "A Subtle Violence", my favorite on LttL) really bridge the gap between that trademark atonality but still being accessible enough for me to really get an emotional response.

Of course, I'm not including the ones that feature primarily/exclusively Egan ("Woke up Lost," "Solitary Refinement," "Last Alone"), cuz while I absolutely love them, IMO they're so vastly removed from the rest stylistically that they're almost like interludes, and I wouldn't want the band like that all the time. But yeah, just a little honest fan feedback! :D
You know... the the fact that he doesn't like his own voice might even be contributing to how much I like it. That could very well be the source of the uneasy/unsure quality and feel I get from it and that matches the music/lyrics so well.

Damn good point, and excellently said!
Thanks guys. Yeah, I don't really love doing the vocals. A big part of that is that I have to work very hard at them as I'm far from being a David-Coverdale-nail-it-in-one-take type of singer. It's also true that the other guys are pretty demanding of the writing side which can mean many revisions to get things right. The aforementioned atonality can also make it tough to not sound too prog.

The vocals for LTTL came together pretty late in the game and there wasn't really time or energy to explore more clean stuff during tracking as I engineer everything. The other issue is that it's pretty tough to sing after a month of working everyday. Anyway, with LTTL I wrote the part for WUL during tracking and Last Alone is the only full song I've ever written that ended up in a DD setting. I was very concerned that it would stick out too much but I think it works ok in the setting and sets up the last song nicely.

Technically "A Portrait in White" was the single of LTTL although we didn't do a video for that one.

For those unfamiliar samples of most of those songs can be found here or here.

Again, thanks.

Dude, you shouldn't be hard on yourself about it at all. I fuckin dig the hell out of your vox...it truly does add to the overall feel of the albums to have a change-up. I can empathise for not really having the energy to do so when you've been drilling the album for a month straight though, I have to deal with that shit all the time in my band. Either way, what you do for DD vocally really rules.
Never heard of them...but after seeing the videoclip i can say
great band !!
i really like the songwriting and the production