I guess I should introduce myself


Bass Tard
Apr 24, 2007
Chicago/NW Indiana
My name is Scott. I'm a bass player, been playing for about 19 years now. I'm a HUGE fan of Steve's, I've been into his playing since I saw the video for "The Philosopher" back in the day. About two or three years ago I kind of re-discovered his playing from listening to Vintersong and Sadus, and he inspired me to give the fretless a whirl and it's since become pretty much my main bass. I started with a fretless Fender Jazz, but about a year ago I took the big step and upgraded to a Carvin XB-76F and fell in love with it.

Gear wise, I'm currently using..

Carvin XB-76F Fretless 6 string bass
Carvin LB-76 Fretted 6 string bass
Spector Legend Fretted 5 string bass
SWR Workingman's 400 Head
SWR 4X10 Cabinet
Carvin Compressor
Sans Amp Tech 21 Programmable Bass Driver/DI

Some of my influences are, apart from Steve, Steve Harris, Geezer Butler, Tyr from Borknagar, Billy Sheehan, Cliff Burton, Michael Manring, Alex Webster, and of course Gene Simmons (who inspired me to pick up bass in the first place).

I'm only babbling on like this because I assume there's a lot of other bass players here and I genuinely like talking bass and metal and this seems to be a place for both.
Welcome, duder.

So how's the Sansamp BDDI working out for you? I hated not being able to control the mids on mine, so I hocked it and got the Para DI, which is pretty awesome and gives you lots of mids.

It's a nice little DI box. I can get a big enough mid boost from my SWR to compensate for the SansAmp. It's also great for when I deal with incompetent sound guys that don't want to mike my cabinet and make me go direct. It's nice to have some EQ control over the direct thing. Other than that, I use it as a pre-amp.

I'll look into the Para DI's too though. You can never have enough gear!:kickass:
Jep! Carvin,got 6 string frettless and its beautifull and it sounds great , anyway... :) dudes rulez:)))
Thanks guys. I've been looking into another fretless too. I've noticed that since I started playing that, that it's really become my main bass. I originally got it more of as a toy and pretty much fell in love with it. Maybe another Carvin...not sure yet.