I guess I'll put up another mix.


Aug 17, 2006
Seattle, WA
They do some flubs but I'm mostly posting for mix feedback anyway.

This is the first time I've ever done snare and kick drum replacement. I used APtrigga and kaomao's snare and "best kick drum ever" samples.

Not the final mix, but close. The right guitar is very mid/high and I'm going to try and get some more low end out of it. I dunno, their tones were all over the place. One was all high end and the other was all low end with some not so great sounding distortion.

But yeah. I'll just post the song. Yes they flub a couple of parts. Haha.

Mix doesn't sound too bad, especially taking into account the "not so good" guitar tone. I do however have problems listening to it because of the fact that the playing is really untight.
That sucks man, I'm always surprised that no one in such a band seems to realize that they should first get their act together before they even start thinking about recording.
I get bands like that... I haven't recorded a single band that has their shit together 100%... most of the bands that come to me are indie-pop, acoustic rock... fuckin... damnit... garbage.

There aren't many good metal bands here in LA... and the ones that are good are signed and have no use for me...