i guess it's up to me to make all the Cardinals threads

Just because he holds a cross to his head doesn't necessarily mean he's religious. He's a professional ATHLETE, that is almost synonimous with the action of praising God after whatever. It's expected.

Also, I feel I must root for the sox because if I don't the miniature ball of rage that lives next door will tear me limb from limb. Its basically all self-preservation, as I never really cared about either team before this post-season.
Dude, but he was sitting there, holding it his forehead and rocking back and forth, like some homeless guy on a street corner trying to exorcise the demons within. He has brought a whole new meaning to phrase playing like a man possessed for me.
no, he's got to be religious. i saw some post-game interview with him and he didn't just "thank God". he was like "and I could not have pitched this game without the power of my Holy Redeemer coursing through my arm, for truly all good comes from Him"
From Peter King:

Baseball quote of the week: From Thomas Boswell of the Washington Post: "Now the single biggest postseason flop in baseball history does not belong to some Red Sox team or Boston goat such as Bill Buckner. Instead, the new and uncontested champions of the October gag are the New York Yankees.''
poor chupe!

if the sox pull it off tonight, not only will they have made history with their comeback against the yankees but apparently there hasn't been a team who has shut out their opponents in the world series since 1989 and only like 4 or 5 who have done it in the last 60 years!

greg "i'm not really a sports fan but go sox anyway" massi
i should add that whilst sorta watching the game on mute i was actually listening to the 2nd half of the new pain of salvation album "BE" which i fell asleep during last night so i still retain my artistic integrity.
You know... I got some shit while watching the game last night because I cheered when the Cards brought in a pitcher who got some more results.
Eh I know but it's the frickin world series so I kinda wanted there to be an actual *game*