
im wonderin why im playin here instead of figuren out what im gonna wear tomorrow and throwin it in the wash and taken a shower myself-so i can leave!

my custom user text was i have a boner, for a long time. it was also see my member and the boneriser.

the true origin of the boner...

way back when, on the maiden bb every once in a while i would notice that on totally different threads and nonrelated subjects alot of people would be over useing a word that you usually didnt see pop up at all (no pun intended) so being sarcastic i started makeing a word of the day thread. whatever the word that was in everyones post was id say it's the word of the day, make sure you put it in all of your posts. i was doing it almost everyday for over a month and only a couple people ever got my stupid joke. one night i came on really tweaked so i was in a real good mood and captain canucklehead saw one of my posts and started going into his speal about how he hates homos and how the only time he ever slept in the same bed with another guy it was because there was only 1 bed in their hotel room and they both had their pajamas on??? so i asked him how his friends boner felt through his pj's and told him he was a bonerbandit and that the only reason he allways posts after me is he wants my boner and when he said something stupid i said another boner from the captain... i figured the over used word of the night was boner and i semiamused myself saying the word of the day is boner, make sure you STICK it in all your posts-of course more people replied than ever before and people were actually putting the word in their posts and asking people where their boner was :p if they didnt have it in their post...

the next day hitman told me the word of the day is pussy, spread the word (how original aye...) so i posted it just so he would quit telling me to. a couple minutes later crypticwriteing told me boner is the word of the day how can i have 2 words of the day in one day-i said that was yesterday and somebody told me not in their time zone and one of the girls said she would talk about boners but she doesnt like that other word and i was getting bitched at for saying pussy. so i posted that everybody wants more boner and make sure you stick it in again tonight. not as many people did it as the night before (again, no pun intended) and after about a week it totally died down. the next week there was a stupid arguement on the bb and alfhole was giveing his hypocritical holier than thou sermons and emptycross was posting his recipes and they were more annoying than the argueing on every thread so after a-holes remark about see what we have now, i said I G O T A B O N E R and somebody said thats all im capable of talking about, so i posted i got a boner all night. the next day somebody asked what happened last night and i said i got a boner. after that any time it fit i started saying i got a boner, then when the board was boreing i started makeing threads saying it, then the challenge got to be getting people to think it was about something else and as anyone that was there knows, 99% of the threads i posted there when you openned um all they said was i got a boner.

and for the folks that never pm'ed me, now ya know what my pm's are like and why people say they gotta print um to have time to read um:p

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