I had a revalation today!


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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..so many of you know that I record/mix with my trusty headphones. I'm still convinced that is the way to go.

But today for the first time, I got around to burning an audio CD with many of our karaoke tunes on it (wanted to sing along in a car).......as I took my wifes car to work since mine is in the shop..and she has a CD player (sadly, I do not).

OMG! We kick ass! I loaded them up in order from older songs to newer songs....and I was blown away even by the old stuff! By the time I reached Hallowed/Icaurs/I've got the fire, I was creamin my panties! :p

I can't describe it. I've never heard our stuff blaring out over speakers before...especially car speakers. I had a grin from ear to ear! Even most of my solos managed to sound good ..well..except burning ambition...why didn't you guys tell me the solor was off tempo and extremely lame?

Right...I'm off to go record all my stuff..with newfound enthusiasm...need to add to the repetoire.