I had the crazyiest thing happen to me on monday.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
A band actually had a drummer who not only could count to four. He could count to four by himself. :OMG:

I shit you not he could play the whole song they were tracking without having a guitar or voice as reference (scratch whatever). Now he couldn't to a metronome, but it would only take someone like this maybe a week to pull that off as well. Best drummer I ever tracked, too bad his kit was shit. I have to go back and do overdubs this weekend (I am getting a hold of a kit worth a shit, should have in the first place all well.)
Ok..what's this shittin' on drummers whole the time on this forum..
C'mon there are enough guitar players out there that are crap...

Allthough (as a drummer) I have to say it's important to know all the songs and play without band..and play with click.
I practice at home the songs we practice in our practicespace with a click and without a band..
Ok..what's this shittin' on drummers whole the time on this forum..
C'mon there are enough guitar players out there that are crap...

It's all in good fun. It's not just drummers, we're equal opportunists...we'll bash on drummers, singers, bass players, and (gasp) even guitarists. :lol::loco:
Ran into another one of these a while ago. The drummer wasn't happy with the take he did to a guide guitar so he asked if he could just go and try again by himself. I was dubious but just said "sure", hit record and let him do it. He pretty much nailed the whole thing. Although in the end he preferred the original take.

That was a pretty good session. You can here one song from it here: http://www.myspace.com/hellmusic
Ok..what's this shittin' on drummers whole the time on this forum..

Because it's true that most drummers cannot keep time. I've always been told that finding a drummer is easy, finding a drummer who can play fairly well isn't too bad, but finding a drummer that can keep time is damn hard. And most drummers do not practice to a metronome.
Because it's true that most drummers cannot keep time. I've always been told that finding a drummer is easy, finding a drummer who can play fairly well isn't too bad, but finding a drummer that can keep time is damn hard. And most drummers do not practice to a metronome.

I try to have a moment in my practice session each day devoted to just doing stuff with a metronome. Its still very hard to lock in if you're into 'natural' sounding stuff like I do. Time's gotta float a little to breathe, -2 bpm + bpm soforth :saint:
I try to have a moment in my practice session each day devoted to just doing stuff with a metronome. Its still very hard to lock in if you're into 'natural' sounding stuff like I do. Time's gotta float a little to breathe, -2 bpm + bpm soforth :saint:

Yeah, in more natural stuff, it's more common to float around a few bpm here and there, but in more technical metal, you have gotta be pretty tight.
When the song is done I will post it and/or direct you to it. It is not an easy drum part either, that is what was so impressive. And yeah I am recomending a metronome for next time since shit if you can do it why not?

Oh and since I am equal oportunist here, the bassplayer was so bad the guitarist did his parts...

Oh and the singer wasn't great either another stupid cupper, he wouldn't yield all well shitty yells and all. I did make him sing into a C1 but the rest he insisted on using a 58 because he is convinced he sounds awsome when he cups the mic.
Its not to bad to be tight with a metronome you just have to always play with one i never play without either drums or a metronome after a while its pretty easy it comes natural im still not as tight as id like but im far tighter than when i used to practise without a metronome.

Last night as i was trying to go to bed i could hear the cubase click in my head this was after i had spent a few hours tracking guitar before bed :OMG:
When the song is done I will post it and/or direct you to it. It is not an easy drum part either, that is what was so impressive. And yeah I am recomending a metronome for next time since shit if you can do it why not?

Oh and since I am equal oportunist here, the bassplayer was so bad the guitarist did his parts...

Oh and the singer wasn't great either another stupid cupper, he wouldn't yield all well shitty yells and all. I did make him sing into a C1 but the rest he insisted on using a 58 because he is convinced he sounds awsome when he cups the mic.

Argh, damn cuppers! Should have slapped him into next Wednesday for that!
haha i agree with all of the above i shit u not i havent recorded with a band that a drummer hasnt needed a scratch track its like dude do you even know the songs haha im talking about drummer that have played the same fuckin songs what 1-2 years every week, when it comes to playing alone its like doh haha.
It should seem natural as a musician to know every detail of your music, especially your own instrument.

A Good band should be so tight that if one member walked into the room at any given moment when a song is already being played they should chime in with no hesitation.

Otherwise they aren't ready to record in the first place.

If they have the song mastered, they can focus more on dynamics in their playing instead of half assing it just to make it through the song cuz they are thinking to hard about what they are supposed to be playing.

Being able to play on their own should be standard.
The best way to deal with cuppers: hand them an SM-7.

I had one in a few months back. It was hilarious! Watching him try to cup the damn thing. Finally, the rest of the band said to him, "Cut that shit out! It sounds horrible!"
They should just make little spiked bands that you can attach to mic popshields for cuppers.

I can can see it now....


"That was great dude!"

"No man, I'm fuckin' bleeding here!!"

"Oops, I knew I was supposed to mention something to you first."