I hate democrats

gaschamber said:
i understand that you gotta do what you gotta do...but...minimum wage is for fucking suckers.


Minimum wage is for teenagers. 5.15 an hour is pretty friggin terrible. But ya know you shouldnt be working for that wage for long..otherwise you dont have your priorities right. 7.25 would be decent..shit I could live off 9 dollars an hour. When I first joined the military I was making less than minimum wage, then living on my own and paying rent it was about 9 to 10 bucks an hour what I was making. That doesnt include all the weekend work, 100+ 14 hour days in Iraq, 60 hour work week..I just went off a 40 hour work week..so Ive really been making 3 bucks an hour my entire time in. And I dont factor in the "medical and dental" like the government adds into our suppossed pay we recieve. IN reality I make 35k a year, but uncle sam factors in intangibles and it shoots up to 50k.
Fuck them all! I demand pay cuts to the minimum wage for every one of those scum who pretend to represent us in Washington.

Fuck them all! They get all kinds of bribes and freebies, they ought to do the job just for the glory, like they did back in ancient Greece. Talk about democracy, why do these fuckers get to loll around in their big offices, make asses of themselves on C-SPAN and get free dinners at social outings which they call "getting connected to the constituency?"

Fuck them all! NO mimimium wage increases for the pimple-faced burger jockeys in the 9th grade, NO wages whatsoever for the fuckin self-worshipping Washington oligarchs who tell God what to wear in the morning, and NO more money for so-called social services programs.

Fuck them all, man!

Fuck them all! I mean, those dirty bastards get to vote pay raises for themselves? Who the fuck gave them that power? John Marshall? James Madison? How bout givin' us the power to give raises. That's right!

Let's put on the next ballot the current salary of what, $155,000 for Reps and $225,000 for Senators, and the proposed increases to $185 and $240.

Let's see how many votes they get from the people who are forced pay them! Ha ha ha!

Fuck them all!
Fuck them all!
Fuck them all!

Jurched said:
Fuck them all! I demand pay cuts to the minimum wage for every one of those scum who pretend to represent us in Washington.

Fuck them all! They get all kinds of bribes and freebies, they ought to do the job just for the glory, like they did back in ancient Greece. Talk about democracy, why do these fuckers get to loll around in their big offices, make asses of themselves on C-SPAN and get free dinners at social outings which they call "getting connected to the constituency?"

Fuck them all! NO mimimium wage increases for the pimple-faced burger jockeys in the 9th grade, NO wages whatsoever for the fuckin self-worshipping Washington oligarchs who tell God what to wear in the morning, and NO more money for so-called social services programs.

Fuck them all, man!

Fuck them all! I mean, those dirty bastards get to vote pay raises for themselves? Who the fuck gave them that power? John Marshall? James Madison? How bout givin' us the power to give raises. That's right!

Let's put on the next ballot the current salary of what, $155,000 for Reps and $225,000 for Senators, and the proposed increases to $185 and $240.

Let's see how many votes they get from the people who are forced pay them! Ha ha ha!

Fuck them all!
Fuck them all!
Fuck them all!


Exactly:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: The point is we should vote on the fuckers pay raises in Senate. They don't care about spending in a responsible manner. Republicans are every bit as big gov. whores.

Oh wait, but wait the link said something about democracts and they're fags. So pay raises for Republicans only. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
T_man357 said:
And 20% off of Vaseline for all democrats!!!:Smug: :lol: :Smug: :lol:

How hard is it to take two men in your mouth at once? Also, when you and your boyfriend bring other men to bed, do you get jealous when your boyfriend doesn't finish on you, or do you work this out in advance?

When your boyfriend is away, what type of dildo do you use? Or do you prefer just your fingers and some soap?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I already told you that you've mistaken me for one of the liberal ass clowns you bend over for at the DNC:Puke: ....Keep dreaming about a better life for you and the rest of the homos...you know a democrat president who tells you it's ok to leave the closet and that the bad guys like me won't be able to pound on you because you're gay.. And then you can take it up the ass at any rest stop you choose without fear of a beating..:erk:

:waah: Dry those eyes little zee! Once you monkeys start pushing for uncle hillary in the White House you'll really have something to cry about:Smug:

ZeeZooZum said:
How hard is it to take two men in your mouth at once? Also, when you and your boyfriend bring other men to bed, do you get jealous when your boyfriend doesn't finish on you, or do you work this out in advance?

When your boyfriend is away, what type of dildo do you use? Or do you prefer just your fingers and some soap?
T_man357 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I already told you that you've mistaken me for one of the liberal ass clowns you bend over for at the DNC:Puke: ....Keep dreaming about a better life for you and the rest of the homos...you know a democrat president who tells you it's ok to leave the closet and that the bad guys like me won't be able to pound on you because you're gay.. And then you can take it up the ass at any rest stop you choose without fear of a beating..:erk:

:waah: Dry those eyes little zee! Once you monkeys start pushing for uncle hillary in the White House you'll really have something to cry about:Smug:

As a gay man and a republican are you a member of the log-cabin republicans? Now that Brokeback Mountain has made it safe for gun lovin hicks to be gay, do you find you cum harder when getting it on in nature after you have been hunting for deer?

Do you ever get real kinky and engage in gun play with your boyfriend?
T man, Zee, are you guys getting a little hot for each other, do you want a private room so you can both tool each other in the pooper? Seriously all the fag bashing, Ive seen you both be so much more original when bashing others. Why ya gotta bring down the homo's. Lets step it up a notch to mother and race jokes. They gay thing is making me yawn.
prime666 said:
T man, Zee, are you guys getting a little hot for each other, do you want a private room so you can both tool each other in the pooper? Seriously all the fag bashing, Ive seen you both be so much more original when bashing others. Why ya gotta bring down the homo's. Lets step it up a notch to mother and race jokes. They gay thing is making me yawn.
prime....you do realize that the only response is gonna be "youre a fag, stop sucking dick" hahahaha