Fucking democrats..blame bush for everything..

Its amazing, isn't it? Now these hippy fucks are injecting the usual Dick Cheney conspiracies into the global warming bullshit. Which it is.

Face facts, some solar prominence is gonna toast this planet like a goddamned pop tart wayyyy before my Sedan de Ville's exhaust gets around to kicking off a bunch of polar bears!!

Kinda ironic/laughable how you guys/gals blame democrats for everything....No matter. Enjoy this lovely Al Gore gif I came across:headbang: :kickass: ! I know Jurched will get a kick out of it.
Kinda ironic/laughable how you guys/gals blame democrats for everything....No matter. Enjoy this lovely Al Gore gif I came across:headbang: :kickass: ! I know Jurched will get a kick out of it.

That my friend, is one of the greatest animated GIFS ever. <--Period.
Kinda ironic/laughable how you guys/gals blame democrats for everything....No matter. Enjoy this lovely Al Gore gif I came across:headbang: :kickass: ! I know Jurched will get a kick out of it.

I only blame democrats for creating and encouraging an environment of welfare and then expecting people who take initiative to support them.
I only blame democrats for creating and encouraging an environment of welfare and then expecting people who take initiative to support them.

I agree with that. One of my first jobs was working in a grocery store and the amount of dirtbags that were on welfare and paying with food stamps that had no physical disabilities whatsoever was pretty astounding. Limits definitely need to be made on welfare. I can understand hitting a rough patch in your life and needing some assistance, but you should only be given a certain amount of time to be on it. I have never gone longer than a week without having a job since turning 16 (I'm 26 now) and Michigan's economy is probably one of the worst in the nation. The jobs might not be what you want but you have to take what you can and deal with it like the rest of us.
This is why the US has become so partisan. The left thinks anyone right of center is a religious, environment ruining, tobacco chewing, gun toting wing nut. While the right thinks anyone left of center is a tree-hugging, affirmative action supporting, lawsuit happy, hippy loving, neo-socialist idiot who believes SUV's are killing the earth. Not all of my beliefs are right of center. It is a handful of core beliefs that keep me voting libertarian and Republican.
I'm not pro-life but, I don't believe abortion should be used as birth control.
I'm anti-affirmative action.
I not against gun legislation. Just against banning guns.

The liberals have hijacked the Democratic party. There was a time when the Democratic party was not associated with liberalism at all. Democratic President's have led us in wartime. It isn't the Dems that are bad. It is the liberals who have infected the Democratic party. Biden is not a bad guy and probably would get my vote out of all of the Democrats out there. He tries to pay Barack a compliment and gets painted a bigot. He has to apoligize not because he said anything objectionable. He had to apologize because of they way his words were perceived. That is the big fucking problem. Liberals have invented the term politically correct and have infected our country with it. We are force fed every black milestone like, "first black coach in the Super Bowl" but cannot say that someone is a good clean black man. All we ever hear about is Tiger Woods being black. Guess what? Tiger is half Asian too! I hear about how Tiger doesn't do enough for the black community. I don't hear any Asians whining about Tiger not doing enough for them. That might be because the Asians aren't the ones that have been taught to stand there with their hands out.

Nowadays, a career can be ruined just based on how someone interprets what you said. This is what has happened to the Democratic party. They have become such a large portion of the Democratic base that in order to stay in office, you need to pander to these people. If you don't believe me, look at the Presidential election results during the time most of us have walked this earth. With the exception of Clinton, when was the last time there was a 2-term Democratic president? If Bush's father had been a bit better at campaigning, we may not have even had Clinton. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
It's unlikely that I will admit it though...
Good post, fah-q.

You are pretty much spot on and I completely agree with what you said about Joe Biden. The Dems finally got someone with a spine to run, only to crucify him that very day:erk:
This is why the US has become so partisan. The left thinks anyone right of center is a religious, environment ruining, tobacco chewing, gun toting wing nut. While the right thinks anyone left of center is a tree-hugging, affirmative action supporting, lawsuit happy, hippy loving, neo-socialist idiot who believes SUV's are killing the earth. Not all of my beliefs are right of center. It is a handful of core beliefs that keep me voting libertarian and Republican.
I'm not pro-life but, I don't believe abortion should be used as birth control.
I'm anti-affirmative action.
I not against gun legislation. Just against banning guns.

The liberals have hijacked the Democratic party. There was a time when the Democratic party was not associated with liberalism at all. Democratic President's have led us in wartime. It isn't the Dems that are bad. It is the liberals who have infected the Democratic party. Biden is not a bad guy and probably would get my vote out of all of the Democrats out there. He tries to pay Barack a compliment and gets painted a bigot. He has to apoligize not because he said anything objectionable. He had to apologize because of they way his words were perceived. That is the big fucking problem. Liberals have invented the term politically correct and have infected our country with it. We are force fed every black milestone like, "first black coach in the Super Bowl" but cannot say that someone is a good clean black man. All we ever hear about is Tiger Woods being black. Guess what? Tiger is half Asian too! I hear about how Tiger doesn't do enough for the black community. I don't hear any Asians whining about Tiger not doing enough for them. That might be because the Asians aren't the ones that have been taught to stand there with their hands out.

Nowadays, a career can be ruined just based on how someone interprets what you said. This is what has happened to the Democratic party. They have become such a large portion of the Democratic base that in order to stay in office, you need to pander to these people. If you don't believe me, look at the Presidential election results during the time most of us have walked this earth. With the exception of Clinton, when was the last time there was a 2-term Democratic president? If Bush's father had been a bit better at campaigning, we may not have even had Clinton. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
It's unlikely that I will admit it though...

I wish there wasn't a term limit on running. Clinton would've been re-elected.

Bush Sr. wouldn't have had a chance... not with that albatross known as Dan Quayle hanging from his neck...
I wish there wasn't a term limit on running. Clinton would've been re-elected.

Bush Sr. wouldn't have had a chance... not with that albatross known as Dan Quayle hanging from his neck...

I don't think an impeached president can be re-elected.
All we ever hear about is Tiger Woods being black. Guess what? Tiger is half Asian too! I hear about how Tiger doesn't do enough for the black community. I don't hear any Asians whining about Tiger not doing enough for them.

Reminds me of the time a few years back when Tiger said he felt like an Asian man, and the blacks went ape-shit, yelling at him for abandoning his race and being ashamed of his blackness! He got all defensive and attempted a portion of reasoned logic, that in fact, he was half-Thai and could make some claims to being Asian, but in the end, gave up and said he's a black man. He's wisely kept his mouth shut on all racial topics since then... but not without some lame-ass in the NAACP complaining that he doesn't do enough for the black community, as you said. Well, the black community tried to lynch him when he expressed interest in his non-black roots. But of course, Roots is black, after all.
