Global Warming

Global warming sure wasnt helped with the Industrial Revolution and so on, but this always happens. Throughout history one can see rises in temp..and the watch it drop. The earth warms up, has an ice age, kills off what cant survive, what does survive evolves to adapt and the process repeats itself. Man has had a factor in the current trend but I am sure it will only be a matter of time before mother earth says "fuck this" and freezes everything.

The last major weather change was around the time of the plague in Europe. It warmed up fast, people hadnt had time to develop good immune systems, new disease rolled in, whacked alot of folks.:headbang:
Global warming sure wasnt helped with the Industrial Revolution and so on, but this always happens. Throughout history one can see rises in temp..and the watch it drop. The earth warms up, has an ice age, kills off what cant survive, what does survive evolves to adapt and the process repeats itself. Man has had a factor in the current trend but I am sure it will only be a matter of time before mother earth says "fuck this" and freezes everything.

The last major weather change was around the time of the plague in Europe. It warmed up fast, people hadnt had time to develop good immune systems, new disease rolled in, whacked alot of folks.:headbang:

Its useless trying to explain anything to the drooling evangelists of manmade global warming.

They'll try to burn you at the stake for denying it exists! (oops! not burning! I mean, they'll bludgeon you to death for it.)

I mean, look how stupid they can get. Here's a quote from the filer of the UN report:

"If you are an African child born in 2007, by the time you are 50 years old you may be faced with disease and new levels of drought."

What??? That's what Africans have been facing for centuries! What the fuck's new about that? Oh, but don't dare deny it. Here's what our highly compensated and highly respected upholders of consitutional democracy recently said about global warming deniers:

Senators Rockefeller and Snowe labeled scientists with whom they disagree as "deniers," a term usually directed at "Holocaust deniers." Some voices on the political left have called for the arrest and prosecution of skeptical scientists. The British Foreign Secretary has said skeptics should be treated like advocates of Islamic terror and must be denied access to the media.

Am I dreaming, or are we living in the Fuehrer's Empire? What the hell is going on with these rabid people?

Here's some news about reducing hp and fun in automobiles just to satisfy the gay whores of global warming:

Members of the European Parliament are being urged to think so and to stand up to them. The European Parliament is going to be asked to beef up plans to fight global warming by stopping cars pumping out so much carbon dioxide.

Ya know, I'm not a chemist, but I always thought that cars produce carbon MONOXIDE.

I mean, that's the shit that people breathe IN to kill themselves, right?

While Carbon DIOXIDE is the shit you and I and the furry endangered species breathe OUT with every single breath of air, right?

Or do high-power cars now operate like a pair of lungs?? Maybe we ought to start asphyxiating everybody with mobile killing vans like the nazis just to stop global warming???!

The way I hear it, in the 70s the smart and wise scientists were talking about how another Ice age was coming and we we all going to be riding snowmobiles... in florida.
The way I hear it, in the 70s the smart and wise scientists were talking about how another Ice age was coming and we we all going to be riding snowmobiles... in florida.

That'd be awesome! Cross-country skiing would rule in Florida! Never been there, but there are no hills in the whole state, right?
Microsoft said:
In association with Games for Change—a movement that strives to use games as a means for social change—Microsoft is hosting a competition called the "Xbox 360 Games for Change Challenge" that will seek out new talent for the purposes of creating a game based on the current socio-political climate of the world today.

That's as much of the article as we need to know:

Global Warming game as a means for social change

That's right. They admit it! "Global warming" is not about the environment. Never has been. Its about creating terror and panic. And then, using panic as an excuse to force massive social change on the weak, terrorized populace.

Environmentalists are bloshevik fanatics and global warming panic is the new weapon against those who resist becoming the slavish green communists!!

...Just thought I'd let you know before you go out and buy this game "in order to make a difference in the world."

Every person that walks this earth needs something to believe in. Global warming is the religion of choice for neo-conaphobes.

It's obvious theres a solution for neo-canophobes and deniers alike:

"Our world, is in peril. Gaia, the spirit of the earth, sent out five rings to five 'special' young people blah blah blah"

"......ugh, heart...."

"By your powers combined I am Captain Planet! AGH THE SMOG IT BURNS"