I hate mixing my own vocals!!!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :)

It´s not possible to be objective about own vocals. I absolutely don´t know, if this is any good, what I did in the last 100 hours :lol: Fuck! Maybe you can help me a bit out by rating my mix and vocal performance.

This clip is just the half of the song (Dark Tower Project -chapter1) and it ends at the solo section.

Here we go:

The World has moved again

What do you think about it so far?
definitely think the vocals could sound a bit stronger.. not so much in tone but placement.. its hard to put my finger on it. you have a great voice and it fit's the song. But i also think you are capable of making it sound better. Just my two cent's! sounds great so far keep it up!
Yeah, in certain parts it could use some more layering, giving a more exciting feel! Also a bit more verb and a stereo delay mixed pretty low would give a much deeper ambiance! But great performance dude! And obviously the song is awesome
Yeah, in certain parts it could use some more layering, giving a more exciting feel! Also a bit more verb and a stereo delay mixed pretty low would give a much deeper ambiance! But great performance dude! And obviously the song is awesome

Thank you very, very much :) I´ll take it into account for the next (and hopefully the last) mixing session. It´s good to hear that, man!

I think this sounds awesome!!

@The_Shred! This means a lot to me!! Thank you. Still diggin´ your stuff a fucking lot, man :worship:

I cannot wait to show you the entire, finished version with lead contributions of Metaltastic, Gavin and Keregioz! This will be the first song of 7 songs for a concept album about Stephen King´s "The dark Tower" :)
Heeeey it´s good to hear that, man. Thanks a lot :kickass: Btw I just listen to your song in repeat. Awesome!

Awesome !! :headbang:

And also i feel for you dude as far as mixing your own voice....I do all the vocals on the track i posted and yeah its extremely hard to detach yourself from them and look at them as just another piece to the mix... Instead i just end up over analyzing everything....

good stuff though dude.....that acoustic sounds amazing too
Instead i just end up over analyzing everything...

@Zombietakeover, absolutely. When I see the files..this could be about 100 takes I tryed. Nobody is as strictly about the voice as the voice´s owner. That is a curse!!

Thanks for your words, dude!

Well you can trust your judgement when it comes to the pitch, that seems to be fine. It could sound better with abit more production (FX, doubling).
Nice work dude.

Thanks @Nebulous! Yeah, I will work on it today. Thanks for your time to listen to my stuff :)
Nobody is as strict about the voice as the voice´s owner.

Haha...try telling that to my singer...one time I had him repeating the word "manipulate" for over an hour until he got the accent right!...

Anyway...about the song, I believe the vocal performance is pretty good. I agree with the other about not sitting well in the mix though.
Haha...try telling that to my singer...one time I had him repeating the word "manipulate" for over an hour until he got the accent right!...

Anyway...about the song, I believe the vocal performance is pretty good. I agree with the other about not sitting well in the mix though.

Hahaha yeah, this is all not too easy :D

I worked on the mix today and so I can say, I finished it so far..needed a bit more reverb and very little delay and now it´s pretty okay. The only thing I need is the solo of Marcus and Gavin. WHAT´S UP, DUDES? :D Hows the progress?