Look, all I'm saying is that last time we had a "list your favorite games! gnarly!!1" thread, you put an olsen twins game as your number 2, under the atari E.T. game.

just sayin'
But I found E.T. in a garbage dump, next to Shaq-Fu. The fact that it was free heavily factored into its rating.

P.S. Olsen Twins 2 player = awesome.
You're lucky there's no search feature, or I'd totally look through your post history and find a band you like and subsequently insult you for it. That'd show you.
Jane Doe is indeed a fine album. I'm really looking forward to seeing them lay waste to our little Ottawa venue with Mare in October.
LuminousAether said:
And you have a plate of the Marriage of Heaven and Hell as your avatar! You must like poetry and / or Ulver then! So nyah! Oh wait... so do I... dammit.

Also, Converge are fun. I like Jane Doe.

hate Ulver, but love William Blake