i hate this motherfucking forum!


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
BECAUSE EET FUCKED MY SEESTER! [/incest fetish masquerading as harmless attempt at humoUr]

Or 'cause it makes ANY small homework assignment on the computer take HOURS AND HOURS and I'm powerless to close the window and concentrate for a while. someone pass me some ritalin or something!
Why not? I just heard recently that Ritalin's an upper not a downer... never woulda thought... seriously, wtf? someone do the math for me!
Demilich said:
Why not? I just heard recently that Ritalin's an upper not a downer... never woulda thought... seriously, wtf? someone do the math for me!

Yep, but Adderall is so much better. Haven;t done that shit in a long fucking time thoguh.

Edit - not to mention, it makes you wanna fuck the shit out of big tittied broads til you split them in half.
well, i think the reason i procrastinate is secretly 'cause i know i'm so goddamn awesome that i'm gonna get As no matter how late i leave my studies.

my girlfriend says that's "arrogant" or some nonsense
it wastes too much of my time, I agree.

but I don't care. I get my reading and assignments done although I suck at getting those annoying essays done that I really don't give a fuck about.
I only like writing essays when I get to decide what I'm writing it about.

Although sometimes deadlines can get stressful and that annoys me a lot.

And exams too. Although they're usually easy as shit, I could do without that system of quantifying performance. Whatever happened to learning for the fun of learning? :(
learning for the fun of learning is why it'd be so goddamn awesome to just walk into random university lectures (something i've never done but want to) and learn for free! i can't believe there are actually "non-credit" options that people pay for...what the hell?
Doomcifer said:
I don;t necessarily wish I was back in College, but I sure do miss it.
yeah, pretty much. last week i told someone the only thing better than being in college is not having to go to college anymore.
Ritilan and Adderall are both dextroamphetamine, of course it's an upper. :zzz:
Demilich said:
why does it calm down ADD kids then? i'd seriously like to know! where's that nurse guy?

Increases bloodflow to your cerebral cortex. Thus making one more focused. They aren't calm, just focused.


That's one of many things it does.


The new way of editing rules.


it pops up in the same place as your post and the page doesnt have to reload. I still dont know how to "quick reply" though
what is this "new way of editting" everyone keeps talking about?!?!?!?! it's the same shit for me.
well that stinks, doesn't work for me.

edit: oh nifty, but it only works in IE for me. firefox says no.