I hate to be the one to remind Steven Spielberg but....


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
If America would have backed the Arabs rather than the Jews we would ' nt have these fuckin problems...Shut the fuck up Spielberg about the poor jews and make another fucking Dinosaur movie you asshole.
I halfway agree. I actually don't mind the Jews, but what I do mind is when as a people, they follow the "never forget" mentality when it comes to the Holocaust. Speak to any Russian, Armenian, Serbian, Indian, or most any other race that has endured a holocaust of their own. The Swastika was originally a design used as a symbol of prosperity by races and religions all over the world and became associated only with the Nazis while the word Holocaust was adopted in the same fashion to ONLY mean the killing off of the Jews.

The other fact remains, if we backed the Muslims (Arabs can be Jewish, Pagan, or Christian), we would have been backing the oppressor. We did back the Muslims, but there's a skewed sense of reality and it shows what we don't understand about these people and their history with not liking the Jews. We were in the middle east and began the oil explorations in the early 1900s. All of those oil pumping facilities are American, or partly American. Those people had nothing until American developers came over to look for oil and start the pumping. Those countries were also American and British colonies, or had puppet leaders, like the Shah and Saddam Hussein (who was actually never a threat to the US as Bush mentioned in his address). We actually built those countries into what they are today and made Israel in the middle of it. Now the Muslims hate them just because. The Jews want to coexist, but the Muslims are selective in that they don't want to see how closely interrelated we are with their economies. So now we get attacked and our economy is in the dumper...well...their income has gone down too. They are fucking themselves over, but it seems they don't care. They are just trying to take Goliath down and live up to the Islamic prophecies for Islam to rule the world.

The fact of the matter is the backing Israel thing is just a scapegoat to be troublemakers. No one took a hard line with them and their own leaders were using the people (arafat) for their own gain, while not trying to turn the corner.