I hate Toms :|

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey, I had another thread going on because of drum quantization. I started tracking bass with them, no guitars yet, but I decided to move ahead a bit and start mixing just a bit of the drums, not too much, just to get more or less where I envision then for their sound and to be easier when I get the full guitars and vox tracked. So I did this for a couple of hours but the toms aren't sounding right to me, yeah the toms really SUCKED (it was the default drumkit from the studio I used). I don't think they turned out that bad but I would like more tone and beef to them without overbearing everything else, just a more fuller tone. Btw this is a Stoner Hard rock band so I refuse to use samples on this one, I want it to feel as natural as I can.

So what can I essentially do to achieve that on my toms ? :|

In the clip you will hear, all guitars and bass ARE from the GUIDE, they are peaking because their guitar player recorded at his home but they're there just for positioning purposes and guiding obviously.

Here's the clip:
Sounds like they may have been tuned a little higher than you want. I've never tried this, but you could maybe pitch shift them down a little?

Also parallel compression might help a bit.
Try this:

+6db to the 100hz-300hz range
+4db to the 5000hz range

You should end up with a sort of mid-scooped sound. Now lower the volume, roll off on the high frequencies and compress to taste. You could try detuning them, but be careful of issues between overheads and the dry mics.
Try this:

+6db to the 100hz-300hz range
+4db to the 5000hz range

You should end up with a sort of mid-scooped sound. Now lower the volume, roll off on the high frequencies and compress to taste. You could try detuning them, but be careful of issues between overheads and the dry mics.

That's actually how I EQ'd them, not EXACTLY, but same frequencies essentially yeah... and it sounds like this... they're gated and the only compression I got is through a send to a sonalksis compressor.
Hm... I agree, I will not mess around with anything until I track everything else, it was just to give me a little jump start so it'd be quicker. I've been thinking could it be that the toms are out of phase with OH or Room? Since the sound wave takes much longer to reach the room mic which is pretty far away ...