i hate when i overhead someone because they're a loud talker...


Aug 2, 2002
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and they say something not so nice about me. but i couldn't help hearing it because they talk so freakin loud! then i feel like a spy :( and then i also don't want to be nice to that person, but then they'll be like YOU WERE SPYING.

what a catch-22.

anyway, i overheard my roommate's girlfriend say i had a deep voice like a guy :( NOT NICE. but she's otherwise really nice and i dunno why she said something that mean about me. (because i don't have a voice like a guy, for one):cry:
she must have an unaccounted for head wound.

your voice is "husky" on the phone, but not IRL. sort of like what's her name from ghost world... scarlett johanssen (sp?)
i know i don't sound like a guy, i don't need anyone to tell me! i really like my voice! i just can't believe she made fun of me!