I made a "death list" at my school!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
this smart-but-messed-up-and-does-zero-work-and-so-has-a-9.9%-in-class kid has been making disturbing comments as "jokes" a lot recently, and I recognize them as jokes and have taken them as such. things like:

- I carry a gun.
("You do?" "Yes! But I don't bring it to school. I just carry it for protection." "Do you even know how to clean a gun?" "I-I get someone to do it for me." "You don't carry a gun." "...no, I don't.")

- I want to blow up Massachusetts because they are that gay state
("That's called terrorism." "Well, I'm a terrorist then." "Not good.")

- I have a pet chicken I bought from a guy in Chinatown.
("What do you feed it?" "Nothing." "Won't it die?" "I hope so.")

however the other day he began talking about a "death list" and was telling the girls next to him that he would take them off the death list if they were nice to him. they looked creeped out and I told him that he was being creepy and to stop it. Then I snatched a crumpled ball of paper off his desk and looked it it--my name, his friend's, and the two girls were on it.

so I had to send it up to the admins/guidance/psychologists. I am 100% sure the kid was joking and it's sad because when I was 13/14 we definitely did things like write stories in which we killed our teachers with missile launchers and armoured schoolbuses and spiked soccer balls, but this is a different world nowadays and if it turned out I didn't report it I could get in serious trouble.

so, he's in counseling now! and I am on a death list!
we called in the school psychologist but the kid was absent the next day when the psych showed up. I dunno if the principal's rescheduling or letting it ride until the kid's mother comes in for a (pre-arranged) appointment later this week.