I had my life threatened at work last weekend, sound like fun?

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
Visit site
Well it actually was. I drive a safety shuttle type van on the weekends (known as the "Rape Van") and I pick up girls who supposedly feel unsafe walking around campus at night, but who are really just drunk or lazy. The van is for females only, everyone knows that. So some guy attempts to get on the van, drunk out of his mind. When I refuse to give him a ride, he gets violent, grabs me by the shoulders (while I was still sitting in the driver's seat) and gets in my face, saying he would kill me if I didn't give him a ride. Two ideas formed in my mind: I could either kick his ass, which I am sure I would have had no trouble doing as he seemed to be no more than 5'10, 170 pounds and seemed to have no idea how much of a size advantage I had, or I could get rid of him the clean and more customer friendly way. I chose the latter, so I informed him that if he didn't remove himself I'd radio into headquarters (which we were parked right next to at the time) and send for an officer. So he ran off into the woods. I don't think they caught him, but oh well. It was pretty funny. The fact that I was so polite to him the whole time was really fun and that I am like the least violent person I know in the first place makes the whole situation more enjoyable. So I have a good story and I can now say I've had my life threatened on the job. Can't wait for next weekend.

What would YOU the reader have done in this situation? I want good, creative suggestions for next time.
I would have said something like "Private institutions are perfectly within their rights to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, or the like, according to OW FUCK YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE YOU BASTARD!"
Yeah, I should have clued him in on the discrimination policy. He wasn't even a student here, just some weirdo visiting, so in my book he doesn't have any rights once within my domain in the first place.
you could have done something to totally freak him out (easy if he was as drunk as he seemed) like tell him he couldn't come on because...........whatever i can't think of anything. but you get the point, right?