my afternoon was pretty smashing, i must say


Aug 2, 2002
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on the subway to NYU to interview interns, this dude got on with another kid and one of them stepped on my boss's foot and she said excuse me and the kid looked at her and was like 'yea, whatever' and then when we got off at our stop and he got off, he gave us the finger and said he was in a hurry! i was like, !!!! cool it psycho.
and my boss, who is usually too laid back for her own good threw half a bagel with tofu cheese on it at him and it got some in his hair. i seriously wanted to hug her.

i met some really neato people too. but i am going to have trouble picking an intern because i liked all of them. this one kid was like 'i can kill a man with my bare hands' and then was like 'psych!' which i think was funny.
prepp... i feel a bit better.

but i hope that the weather here is bad in the morning so i don't have to go it.

we are going to get an inch of ice, then 4 inches of snow on top... WEEEEEEEEEE

azal - nyquil is my drug of choice. nothing like putting your self into a little comma.
My afternoon was pretty ok as well because I stumbled into getting what may end up being a Valentine's day date should the girl in question not be flaky as most are with me and call. This is all REALLY out of the ordinary for me because, as of late, I don't really talk to anything that doesn't have a Y chromosome. Methinks it'll be nice to interact with a female of the species for a change even if it's only in an "acquaintence-y" way.
On Robotripping...

I feel like a total JACKASS for saying this, but it's actually pretty awesome. It's just like the lowest of low as far as drugs go. I haven't done it in a long time and probably never will again but it was an interesting experience for sure.
I doubt Robotripping's waned in popularity at all. Cough syrup is so easy to come by and cheap in the price continuum of drugs that I'm surprised it's not the most popular way to get fucked up period. I'd imagine admitting to Robotripping is confined to one's high school or college years and if you're past that, you're past the age of the Robotrip or at least hearing about it.
i just realized what i said sounded somehow condescending. but i actually meant that like, i just thought it was isolated to these 4 weird kids i knew in hs. i had no idea people did this all over the place! i never tried it tho.
seriously! i was totally going to post that i stick with the safe stuff like LSD.!!!!

p.s. i have never been to allston before! i should go i guess?

p.p.s. i am seriously wearing pink rabbit ears with sequins right now.
I've been remiss in doing that recently but this "friendly burn" deserved a title because of the rich web of interrelations between drugs, rabbits, and the preppy that Alex D's photoshop work offers.