I hate work. I hate freetime.

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
I bought 10.-52. strings to my guitar. I have to keep the guitar tuned to C# so that the gay strings stay low enough, since I don't own no extra...springs? AND all those stupid stores close at 17:00, at which time I'm just about to leave my desk here in the middle of fucking plains and forest.

Well, that low tune actually rocks. I'm gonna start a band and play low tune rock.
siinä on hirvee runkkaaminen niitten jousien ja tallan kanssa aina kun vaihtaa kieliä tai virettä. KITARAN SOITTO ON PERSEESTÄ. Joku sais keksiä kitaran joka virittää itse itsensä ja vaihtaa kielensä. Ni!
Jos ne kielet nousee liian ylös kun virittää korkeampaan vireeseen, niin silloinhan ne vetää kaulaa vinoon -> kaularautaan enempi vääntöä.
:hotjump: i opened this thread believing it was on topic (or at least tried to), and i found just another series of obscure posts written by my dear finns... awwww, i really missed that, i swear i did :lol: it feels like home, now *group hug* :p
i'm very sorry i've been away for so long, but i'm damn busy as of late and i've also had lots of trouble with my adsl connection (lucky me).
anyway, i'm back... errr... ok, forget it! gotta get back to work, now *bah* *snort* *mpfffffff*
'right, later... :p
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Myyn saatana ja ostan rummut. Soitan niitä, jos mahdollista, vieläkin huonommin.

Mikä ihme nyt muuten on mulla kun vituttaa joku määrittelemätön asiantila niin että koko ajan sakkaa ja kihisee. Goottinen depressio? Syysmasennus ? :lol: Ettei mulla vain olisikin fyysinen riippuvuus örisemiseen?! Tai sitten se on tämä koodaaminen. Perkele. Vitun vittu, ei tässä pysty edes avautumaan kun tulee vaan ruokottomuuksia.

Mutta kaikkein eniten perseestä tässä maailmassa on se Max Paynen ensimmäinen uniosuus. Ei helvetti pitäisi tapattaa ne jätkät jotka sen on keksineet.
I hate freetime at uni 'cos there's nothing to do so I just sit in this computer lab getting bored waiting for my next lecture. Although I have to get some food as well, which will be mightily fun. No doubt completely off topic, but never mind.
Rusty said:
I hate freetime at uni 'cos there's nothing to do so I just sit in this computer lab getting bored waiting for my next lecture. Although I have to get some food as well, which will be mightily fun. No doubt completely off topic, but never mind.

In fact I think this must have been the first on topic post on this topic... :Smug:
DotNoir said:
In fact I think this must have been the first on topic post on this topic... :Smug:
Yeah but I thought it might have been one of those threads with a completely random title. And Finnish writing makes my head go all funny. This thread gets 5 stars.