i $#@%&& hating waves so far!!!!


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
man i was gonna buy like the gold or platinum or mercury and the ssl or api bundles an i had the demo disc lying around so i wanted to hear if it was worth the $$$ myself instead of pro or anti waves people fighting on the forums and such so first i had to track down a stupid ilok key.

i finally got one and dedicated all night to comparing the SSL plug ins to the API plug ins so here I am sitting here like an asshole. getting the waves activated and working with the iLok is the most complicated thing in the world. I am pretty sure I can learn how to launch, navigate, and land a shuttle from the NASA control room easier than activating this thing. after 3 hours of fumbling through FAQ I still am stumped and cannot manage to activate this thing. so far me and waves are not getting off to the right foot. I mean this is absurd, purely based on the ludicrous way they make you authorize their products I am contemplating just not buying it because it's a pain and you are dealing with bureaucracy. that being said i know plenty of people that have cracked waves plug ins all over for their PCs and here I am contemplating potentially spending $4500 on a fucking plug in. fuck them, all this hard work they put into getting these complicated ass authorizations and so many people just steal for them. they fucking deserve what they get. spy software provided by the cia probably isn't this hard to install.

sorry for the rant I'm just pissed i really wanna hear these things and i've been wasting my entire night trying to get it authorized. i think i activated it, but when I start logic it still keeps telling me it's not registered, but on the waves site it tells me it is registered and my 7 day trial has started. but now when i try to log back it says my account is not eligible for their account manager i don't know it's so frustrating I'm just venting.

either I'm right and the shit is crazy or i am a complete retard. somehow i would prefer to just be a retard because if i am right and the installation is this complicated that means the world is coming to an end. i would rather the world live on and i just be a retard.
Ummm, I wont to buy the gold native bundle...you have problem to autorize your iLok key??
i had the same problem trying to demo waves stuff.
gave up and bought better plug ins
I wouldn't say it was totally troubleless for me, but that's just because I didn't follow their guide.

they've got this "help" thing on their page that really helps.

what you did sounds like you've been to all that but didn't use the authorizer then (you'll find it in you "waves" folder on your drive
dude brett i don't know how it was so easy. it's like a whole seperate thing for intel macs and there are 5 different authorizations and this and that. now it's telling me it's expired. you have to request a key then do this and that, it's very complicated.