I Have A Copy Of The New Album

Well the way Ian and Benantie were posting here how it was the best Anthrax ever.NO F**king WAY!!!!!!I just gave it another spin and yes there are 2 or 3 tracks that Kill but the other's are just average.SOWN blows this away and Volume8 had better songs.I will say the drumming is outstanding.I always enjoyed his playing.
I like how someone gives an honest opinion, and gets berated. We're not sheep here. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Even at a bands board. You're no less a fan than the next guy if you're open enough to say when you think something sucks. Sometimes "fans" forget this. I haven't heard all the tracks just yet. Of the ones I've heard; 3 or 4 are stellar, and there are a couple that are just ok. Even though I'm a huge Anthrax fan I'm not going to say "this is the best album ever' just because it's Anthrax.
Originally posted by TD
I like how someone gives an honest opinion, and gets berated. We're not sheep here. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Even at a bands board. You're no less a fan than the next guy if you're open enough to say when you think something sucks. Sometimes "fans" forget this. I haven't heard all the tracks just yet. Of the ones I've heard; 3 or 4 are stellar, and there are a couple that are just ok. Even though I'm a huge Anthrax fan I'm not going to say "this is the best album ever' just because it's Anthrax.

right. i berated him.

i'm not having another anthrax message board pissing contest.
He said he wasn't blown away by the album. No flaming, no shit talking. I'm cool with that. Imagine how boring this message board would be if everyone agreed on everything. :zzz:

I wouldn't say Steve "berated" the guy but it did come off a bit strong.

Just my two cents. Back to lurking now.


Originally posted by Steve M
right. i berated him.

i'm not having another anthrax message board pissing contest.

Take another drag off of whatever pipe you're smoking and chill the fuck out. That comment wasn't directed at you specifically. My point is, it's presumptous and really just fucking stupid to think that everyone has to love everything Anthrax does. And if someone thinks the new album sucks, let them say so. If they think the new album is gangbusters, even better. :)

I've been honest about it all along. All the songs are solid - Nobody Know Anything, What Doesn't Die and Black Dahlia rule, as good as anything Charlie's ever written. Refuse is not that great, good chorus. Safe Home is great but very poppy - very Cheap Trick, Anyplace is very ambient, very cool. Strap It On rules, rock song. Cadillac is a song Guns N' Roses wish they wrote. Sounds like Judas Priest (when they wrote more rockin' than metal songs) meets old Motley Crue. Taking the Music back is good not great but how can you beat Roger Daltrey screaming? Think About An End has a dud riff but a cool chorus and W.C.F.Y.A. is another solid album track, has some of those really cool 5 second Scott guitar noises when he's getting the riff cranked up. Every song is terrifically written and impeccably recorded. In criticism there's really no main riff that grabs you like it's a new "Smoke On The Water", it could have stood to be a notch heavier with the guitar, a little noisier and I would have changed a track or two but it's SO GOOD. It's like arguing which one of Britney Spears breasts you like better.

Overall the album is on par with Stomp and Among as my favorites. Much better Vol. 8 and Sound Of White Noise start to finish. SOWN still has their best singles but a lot of those other songs bore me. Among is still their best sounding album. Stomp is still the hardest. And we all know how many times we've argued that. I still can't get over how many people think Stomp is a weak album.

But remember it's all opinions, and for the most part our posts about Anthrax are a difference of positives which is good. It is what we like best, not lists of songs that fucking suck. That's healthy.



Horns up,

PS - I lied when I said Notman would appear Italian. I was going to do it but Charlie nixed it saying we might get sued. Long story, very funny. But don't worry, Notman definitely represents.
All my fuckin' jibber-jabber and I forgot Superhero. I was less than impressed when I heard it live but it sounds fuckin' great on the album. They added a few notes here and there and it comes off much better. There's little ambient noises in the background that give a great vibe too.
Originally posted by TD
Take another drag off of whatever pipe you're smoking and chill the fuck out. That comment wasn't directed at you specifically. My point is, it's presumptous and really just fucking stupid to think that everyone has to love everything Anthrax does. And if someone thinks the new album sucks, let them say so. If they think the new album is gangbusters, even better. :)

with that being said, i think it's only right that i share my opinion about his opinion.

it's not like i called him a faggot or something because he said he didn't like it.
i'll add my 2 cents i didnt tell weave he was a dickhead for not liking i just said from my own personal experience that whenever i get my hands on an anthrax album it takes my quite a few listens to really get into iremember listening toanthtraxcdsthinking what the hell has happened to u,guys u gotta give it a chance to soak in,especially if u are a huge fan and your expectations are so high.
Originally posted by weave
Chill out everyone!It just that Charlie made itout to be so great and its not.

correction: you don't think it is.

the only reason i'm slightly moved by your posts is because you're so negative about it.

you don't say it as an opinion, you say it as fact.
Everyone's getting their Christina Auguilera panties in a cunt wad over opinions. I respect someone's opinion that they don't think the record is to hot, even though I completely disagree and think its better than Among or SOWN.

Steve M... I dig what you say... opinions are one thing, making them sound like they're fact is another.

I look at it like this, everyone is gonna have their own personal favorites. For instance, most people's favorite Joey era record is Among, mine's actually Persistence. To my ears, the production was fuller and the drums had more "oomph" to 'em. But that's just my opinion.

People's posts are always up to interpretation, so sometimes things get read in between the lines that aren't really there.

Oh well, I think we should be spending our time on better things... porn and the street team... maybe combine the two.
noticed your avatar took a while to download. opened it up in photoshop and the file is huge and very crisp! where did you get such a good reproduction of an album that never came out? unless you yourself designed that cover...?