i have a few favorite words i fixate on every week


Schmendrick lives!

any pro-wrestling maneuver that makes no sense - even to the wrestlers, such as "nerve holds", the tongan death grip, the mandible claw, the asiatic spike, the "iron claw", von raschke's claw... etc, etc.

therefore, in any situation where you've been duped/bamboozled - "goozle'd" is a decent substitute

wonk/wonky is another obsession, although i prefer the romanian variant "vonked"
i have spent a good portion of this past hour muttering to myself 'get your mitts off my keister'.

the intern was like 'what?'
Back to the SH thing...from Every Goy's Guide to Common Yiddish Expressions by Arthur Naiman, some good SH words.

"Shicker (SHIK-ur)
A drunk.

Shkutz (shkoots)
Derogatory name for a non-Jewish man

Jerk, particularly a nerdy sort of jerk.
Yiddish has more words for this concept than any other ten languages put together. Here are just a few of them: kuni lemel, nayfish, nebbish, schmuck, shlemiel, shlep, shlepper, shlump, shmageggie, SHMENDRIK, shmo, shnook, yutz and zhlub. There are minor variations between these words, of course, but they all indicate ineptness, lack of common sense, lack of physical grace and sex appeal, a quality of hopelessness and -- how shall I put it -- well, shlumpiness."

Then there's also shlimazl, shmutz (meaning dirt - a personal favorite word of mine), shmata (meaning rag - another favorite - most often used to insult someone's dress, like "I like what you've done with your hair, but why on earth would you wear that shmata outdoors!")
Oh! and I also really like "Hinkty" as a way to describe something that's poorly thought out or implemented.

My mother's favorite Yiddish word is "Ferblungget (usually pronounced "Fuh-BLUN-jit") which means confused or fucked up.

Oh! and then there's fershlepta, which means "drawn out", and fershtinkenner, which means, predictably, "stinky".

There's a ton of other good fer words...
not sure, but i'm trying to make an important decision about a word here.

that word is "wholesale." i'm not sure if i really love it or hate it.

on one hand, it reminds me of bald men jerking off, but on the other hand, there's something nice and chipper and satisfying about it.