I have a new book out!


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
It's called Aftermath and it has all the key ingredients of a good post-Apocalyptic adventure novel: violence, bikers, violence, sex, violence and METAL. See how many metal references you can find! Count the number of rehashed action film plots you can spot! Wade knee-deep through blood-soaked gun battles!

Check it out by going to http://www.lulu.com/content/340626.

Thanks to Spiffo for putting me onto that site!
Congrats Mr Ripper :)

Quite coincidently I just discovered that site myself this afternoon after looking for some Calendar publishing ideas! Looks like quite a good place.
Goreripper said:
BTW, if any of you guys want to buy a full copy but don't want to pay the ridiculous shipping costs and stuff, you can get one off me directly for $32.

Guns and boobs!! Count me in.