I have a new book out!

Winmar said:
Who's Matt Reilly?

Top Aussie author of American styled action. I loved his first few novels.
Seems to be getting worse with every book now. :(
Matthew Reilly is like Dan Brown - he writes for those people who start reviews on Amazon with, "I don't normally read, but...". I've only read Contest, which was a ripping yarn but, like The Da Vinci Code et al, is poorly-written on a prose and dialogue level.
He's still disgustingly wealthy and well known though.

And hey, I've managed to get through this entire thread without mentioning the interest I've attracted from Allen & Unwin. Isn't that weird? ;)

Of course now I have to get on and finish writing the bloody thing...

Spiff said:
I've only read Contest, which was a ripping yarn but...

Contest was his first, and was self published.
It's one of his weaker novels really, and the only truely Sci-Fi one.

Ice Station and Temple are really enjoyable.
Wrathchild said:
And hey, I've managed to get through this entire thread without mentioning the interest I've attracted from Allen & Unwin.

Excellent! :wave:
I've given up on writing fiction. I'll just write non-fiction from now on, probably travel and humour stuff. One then wonders how to go about getting people interested in it if you're not a journalist or a comedian.
All this talk of Matt Riley made me start another of his books last night. DAMN YOU ALL.. But it's been enjoyable so far.

Wrathchild said:
He's (Riley) still disgustingly wealthy and well known though.
My understanding is that he made most of his money by selling the film rights for Ice Station to Disney.. twice. :u-huh:

Goreripper said:
you can get one off me directly for $32.
Ding Ding Ding.. Me wanty. What do I do??