I have a very minor announcment

That site should ONLY be used as an encyclopedia in my opinion..... Finding bands and albums and info etc. etc. Using it for reviews is heavily discouraged. :lol:
Okay, I'll post it here. Remember, it's written in a perspective that I don't know the readers!

Fistful Of Metal

Well I went into this album with an open mind and had no idea what to expect since I hadn't read any reviews. Only thing I knew is that it was not gonna be as good as ATL. And I was right.

First thing that struck me was that Belladonna wasn't singing. This caught me by surpise since I actually thought that he sang on the first 5 records. Silly me. The guy singing on this one, Neil Turbin, is pretty good though, even if he isn't as good as Joey. He's mid-range vocals are decent and his high-pitch ones are pretty cool. He's nothing special though, so he don't give the album many bonus points for me.

The riffing is very straight forward and simple. Most are not so memorable, but they certainly got my head going on high speed. At some points they come off as kind of thin, like they're missing one or two power-chords here and there. But that is easily forgiven. As long as it get's my head bangin', I'm happy.

The drums were pretty good I guess, didn't really stick out, and so was the bass. I guess Benantes skills hadn't reached it's peak yet at the point this album came out.

The solos were pretty good. Most are not so memorable. The only one that really stuck in my head was the one in Panic. Very catchy. The shredding is good and there's not much too complain about.

Overall, this album may not be the best thing that has happened to metal. But at least it's an enjoyable listen if you're just looking for some good old, head bangin, straight on thrash metal.

Top Tracks: Deathrider, Panic

My score: 70

Reading it I realize it kinda sucks:lol: Well whatever:p
Fistful of Metal is Anthrax's second best album IMO. Underrated. Tracks like Metal Thrashing Mad and Anthrax and Across the River don't get any credit.
Okay, I dropped the reviews since my FOM review didn't make it on metal archives. So I'll just listen to the albums instead.

Which makes this thread
Okay, I dropped the reviews since my FOM review didn't make it on metal archives. So I'll just listen to the albums instead.

Which makes this thread

Nah, just post them here, I strongly believe that no thread is ever pointless, so you continue giing us your reviews of the classic thrash album of the 80's

Anthrax - Spreading The Disease

Anthrax's second full length is a real impressive one, fixing all the problems I had with their debut. This is also the album that made them Anthrax as I know them. Very upbeat and simple with very catchy lyrics.

Since Anthrax fired singer Neil Turbin for to me unknown reasons they had to find a replacement. The one they found was Joey Belladonna, to this day one of the best singers in metal history. Every track is specked with catchy lyrics which makes it impossible not to sing along. Even though at some points it's nearly impossible to sing along for some of us when Joey notes goes through the roof. His performance is truly amazing, and the backing vocals by Frank Bello and Scott Ian only make it better.

This album has some of the best riffing there is. All songs have at least 2 riffs that gets my head going every time. I personally think the solo rhythm on "A.I.R." is one of the best riffs ever. It gets you pumped and the tempo is perfect for head banging. Topped with an awesome solo and you've got yourself a winning formula. You can really say that Scott Ian and

Charlie Benantes drumming is great. Do I really need to say anything else? His drumming is all around superb and you really feel every single beat of the bass drum. Only problem is that not very many songs give him the opportunity to go all out. Only Aftershock really displays his full potential, starting off with a crazy drum solo and then going straight into double bass drum madness. He do get some drum breaks on other songs also but I personally think that just a little bit more would have made it just a little bit better. But that's nit picking, so it's no big deal.

Frank Bellos bass playing is just fabulous. The chorus lick on "A.I.R.", the bridge and chorus licks on "Lone Justice", the intro on "Medusa", There are bass licks on every single song on this album. And every single one of them feels really great to listen to, and they're impressive too! Some of the stuff he does is really amazing and they never feel unnecessary.

Even if they changed style with this album, it's still an overall improvement from their debut, which was also, a good record. But this one just took it a few steps further, because while straight on mindless thrash can be fun, I still prefer when there is more thought put into the song writing, and this one really delivers. Better production, better solos, better vocals, better everything then the debut, it really took Anthrax from a good thrash ban to a great thrash band.

Top tracks: A.I.R., Lone Justice, Aftershock, Armed And Dangerous