I have returned


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
As most of you should know, I went to visit my fiance' in Illinois. To keep a long story short, I had the time of my life. I was the happiest I have ever been.

The day I left was very hard for the both of us. I almost missed my flight. If we were like five or ten minutes late, I would have missed it. I wanted to miss it.

Though, I have decided that I'm moving there. Right now we're saving money for the move and to have money to get us by until I get a job. She wants me to take like a four month vacation when I get there to adjust to the area, but fuck that. I may take like a two week vacation.

It's quite crazy though. I was talking to some Counter-Strike buddies of mine (we kind of have our own community and I have been a part of that community for a couple of years) and was telling them about the move and such and they made this:


It's pretty awesome that people are helping us out like this. It's kind of difficult for me to take handouts like this but no words can express how much it means to us and helps us. It's quite crazy.

So......yea. I'm moving hopefully by mid September.

And I thought CS was too big to even have one big good community (seeing as I am part of the TFC clan community, and its getting smaller and smaller every month or so).. but thats awesome, good luck :)
Yea. I can't wait until the move. Her dad is trying to get me a job at State Farm probably as a insurance agent but until I get that job, I'll probably work for her mom. Brianna and I are both stressed out because the only thing holding my move back right now is the financial situation. If I could take out a loan for the move, I would. What I'm probably going to end up doing is just put my belongings in storage here and ship the Corvette there. To ship the car, it's going to cost about eight-hundred bucks plus like a hundred for the flight over. Our goal is to save up at least two grand by the end of the month so I can hurry and get there, we get our apartment and have a little cushion money wise. My workplace tried pulling some bullshit on me so I was forced to quit, but I have another job. The other job, I have, but it's just a matter of when I start. Hopefully I start next week because I'm so depressed here. I just want to hurry and get over there and start my new life with her.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Yea. I can't wait until the move. Her dad is trying to get me a job at State Farm probably as a insurance agent but until I get that job, I'll probably work for her mom. Brianna and I are both stressed out because the only thing holding my move back right now is the financial situation. If I could take out a loan for the move, I would. What I'm probably going to end up doing is just put my belongings in storage here and ship the Corvette there. To ship the car, it's going to cost about eight-hundred bucks plus like a hundred for the flight over. Our goal is to save up at least two grand by the end of the month so I can hurry and get there, we get our apartment and have a little cushion money wise. My workplace tried pulling some bullshit on me so I was forced to quit, but I have another job. The other job, I have, but it's just a matter of when I start. Hopefully I start next week because I'm so depressed here. I just want to hurry and get over there and start my new life with her.
I'm looking forward to reading from you when you're living with her. The new shape of Sephirot to come :grin: