I have some questions for Clean vocalists


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
I have recently recorded instruments for an Ep and plan on recording vocals soon. I have recorded demo vocals and will be doing all the recording on my own with no assistance.

I have tried loads of different styles of vocals (Harsh vocals go out of key, In key vocals sound a bit karaoke/ lifeless etc).

This is my first time ever recording main vocals, I can keep key and have done backing vocals live and on recordings.

So I was wondering how do you approach recording vocals?

How do you add energy to a song you can sing in key comfortably?

Is it common to be over critical of you're own performance?

I'm Not looking to sing like Sebastian Bach just general tips specific to recording from the performers perspective.

I was gonna upload a demo but I'm way to embarrassed haha.

Edit: I'm using other websites for general singing tips/ warm ups etc but would love to hear from metal vocalists with experience in front of the mic.
Okay i'm not a vocalist but I can answer a few things...

Is it common to be overcritical? of course it is. In everything you do you'll always be your own biggest critic

And secondly, how do you add energy?

If you can sing the entire track comfortably without even having to think, psyche yourself up, get inspired, or really dig deep into the lyrics and what they mean to you, generally fucking go for it and get yourself into whatever you need to get in to for the emotion you're trying to convey.

A few choice examples...... When working with Slipknot, Ross Robinson would continually tell them their takes (even if they were dead on perfect) were complete shit, and make them track it again, all while throwing potted plants, jumping around the room and screaming at them. The result? listen to their self titled debut. The production isn't the best by a long way, but holy motherfucking shit is it an intense album, you can TELL they're pissed off, it's powerful, and it's what keeps the record going.

also this

It's because of shit like this that Ross Robinson is my favourite producer... hahaha. He doesn't get my favourite sounds by a long way, but he knows how to get the best fucking performances ever.

And as a final note, confidence is key
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It's because of shit like this that Ross Robinson is my favourite producer... hahaha. He doesn't get my favourite sounds by a long way, but he knows how to get the best fucking performances ever.

And as a final note, confidence is key

YES! He gets a lot of crap from metalheads, but, fact of the matter is, he pulls out some great performances. The people that trash talk him are more concerned with whether they can hear every overcompressed, lifeless note than whether the song actually "says" something.