I haz a frosty from wendys

It's exactly what you want when the weather gets ickies.
Save your summer with a frosty, a tasty treat for little chickies!

It's exactly what you want when the weather gets ickies.
Save your summer with a frosty, a tasty treat for little chickies!


I shall pass on the kind offer to consume 73 grams of sugar, 520 calories and 86 grams on carbs in liquid form.

Instead I rather have the same amount of junk, entering my body in better shapes such as Tiramisu for example. (mmmmmmm Tiramisu!)
we were at wendy's the other day and this is the conversation i had with the creepy middle-aged tweaker running the cash register

me: yeah, hey, can i get a fish sandwich and a lemonade?
guy: okay, so that's a fish sandwich and a ... Coke?
me: lemonade.
*guy tells my order to guys fixing food*
guy: so... you sure you don't want a frosty?
me: yep. no thanks.
guy: so... do you like chocolate or vanilla?
me: i'm lactose-intolerant, sorry.
guy: oh! uhh... nevermind, then.