I hope Scott Weiland overdozes and dies!

Fuck Axl. Fuck Weiland. Fuck new GnR and fuck Velvet Revolver! Slash rules though!
Every time I've seen Slash in his various bands live he has sucked the big one also. So fuck him to. His only redeeming factor is having a personal baby sitter with him while he drinks himself into a coma. If every booze hound had one of these at least there would be less deaths by drunk drivers.
Maybe Axl and Scott could fight it out. Axl could try and screech Scott to death, while Scott yells back through a bull horn while dancing like the fairy princess.
karrokid said:
Maybe Axl and Scott could fight it out. Axl could try and screech Scott to death, while Scott yells back through a bull horn while dancing like the fairy princess.
That'd be the only way to get me to give Axl any more of my money. :p
DarrellDethSDMF said:
It can't be said enough how good the band could have been if they would've gotten Rod Jackson to sing.

Are you serious??? Rod Jackson was such a cheesy 80's butt rocker... He ruined Slashs last album...
DarrellDethSDMF said:
I don't see you making a statement that millions will read about it out of nowhere. Fuck, Scott Weiland has propably never even met Axl! He's know Slash & co for like 5 seconds and now he's doing this shit.

Ummm, it wasn't out of nowhere.... Axl and his lawyer released a press release stating that Slash showed up at Axls door in 2005. It said that Slash wanted to come back to Gn'R and that Slash called Scott a fraud, Duff spineless and that he hated Matt.... Funny how a couple months ago Axl said he hadnt talked to Slash in 10 years... Scott was just sticking up for his bandmates.... Fuck Axhole Rose...

EDIT: Just saw that you found the statement...

PS, Velvet Revolver kick ass. Slither, Dirty Little Thing, Superhuman... All classics!
tomass74 said:
Are you serious??? Rod Jackson was such a cheesy 80's butt rocker... He ruined Slashs last album...

You bet your ass I'm serious! He's a classic rock n' roll singer who's got balls! I think Ain't Life Grand is full of potential GN'R material, and I can't think of anyone else (except the obvious one) who could sing it better than Rod.:kickass:
tomass74 said:
Are you serious??? Rod Jackson was such a cheesy 80's butt rocker... He ruined Slashs last album...
Am I dreaming or were they originally after Tod Rundgren to sing for VR?
DarrellDethSDMF said:
You bet your ass I'm serious! He's a classic rock n' roll singer who's got balls! I think Ain't Life Grand is full of potential GN'R material, and I can't think of anyone else (except the obvious one) who could sing it better than Rod.:kickass:

Wow, it was the opposite for me. I bought Ain't Life Grand with high hopes but it was Rod Jackson that ruined it for me... His lyrics were horrible and he sounded very 80's and cheesy to me.. I even saw them twice. I still think Scott was a good choice. Sebastian Bach is ok but he is very 80's too and I think VR would have been thought of as a joke.. Bach is better off on broadway or doing all the cheesy reality TV he does... Although, out of the 80's hairbands bands Skid Row was pretty good. I would go see them if they reunited...

Were one of the worst cheesiest bands ever!

Sweet child of mine! Yeh real rock!

What a metal band!



Is there a smiley for someone pissing themselves with laughter?