I hope *YOU* burn.

i can't stand following a link to a link, and finally to a website. Just post the website.
TheSeldomlaid said:
Well, honestly, Scream is the ugliest painting ever :p

but still, it's like one of those things you don't do

What do you mean by ugly? The style or technique, or the subject?
The face on The Scream is said to (possibly) be inspired by that of a mummified body (located in catacombs somewhere in Italy), so...yeah the subject is ugly/creepy.
Good painting imo, super expressive....sucks if those assholes really burnt it!

And yes badger dude I agree...even if it was a mediocre/bad work of art, it would still be kind of wrong to do that....
yeah, I kinda agree with lars, I wound't put that on the wall in my room.
SR~VE said:
What do you mean by ugly? The style or technique, or the subject?
The face on The Scream is said to (possibly) be inspired by that of a mummified body (located in catacombs somewhere in Italy), so...yeah the subject is ugly/creepy.
Good painting imo, super expressive....sucks if those assholes really burnt it!

And yes badger dude I agree...even if it was a mediocre/bad work of art, it would still be kind of wrong to do that....

The very picture is ugly. As in ugly.
oh boooohoooo, people are so evil.

To the threadstarter: How about finally putting something on that deviantpage of yours?
It's a very stupid and ignorant thing to do, but I have a feeling someone is trying to appear artsy here
Johanna said:
To the threadstarter: How about finally putting something on that deviantpage of yours?
When I have finally found the time to figure out that freakin' digicam to take photos of my stuff. (That, or when someone gives me a good, big expensive-ass scanner. :loco: )