I just brought home my Mesa 4x12 Traditional...


Mathew Cohen
It looks pretty haggard, but it sounds sooooo fucking good... 4-V30s...

Here's a clip of the cab quad tracked with my XSr...


definitely a super sweet deal at $150... which is what I ended up paying for it... especially considering I was the first one to open it up... totally popped the cherry...

and here's some pics of the haggard bitch... and the rest of my rig(s) heh... :headbang:



and just for the hell of it... my control room...
yep, you gots an oversized Recto cab there...The dead giveaway is the fact that it's larger than a standard 4x12 (like all the other ones you have).

Trads are approxiamtely Marshall 1960 sized.

Great deal! I got mine from a dude who lost his job and apartment and needed money...Dead mint for 375. I thought I got a deal.

I'd call your cab there far from haggard, too.