I just brought home my Mesa 4x12 Traditional...

Yeah pawn shops are great. I have an OCD thing about stopping at every pawn shop in the city at least once a week, to find deals just like this. Your lucky you got the speaks, though. I've seen, more than once, the speaks are replaced with radio shack shit. I always take the back off before I buy. Sometimes you can say "Aw shit, these are shitty 30 watt speaks, I wanted the higher rated 75 watt ones. Take $50 off the price and it's sold":heh:
Yeah pawn shops are great. I have an OCD thing about stopping at every pawn shop in the city at least once a week, to find deals just like this. Your lucky you got the speaks, though. I've seen, more than once, the speaks are replaced with radio shack shit. I always take the back off before I buy. Sometimes you can say "Aw shit, these are shitty 30 watt speaks, I wanted the higher rated 75 watt ones. Take $50 off the price and it's sold":heh:

I did that, because he had a marshall 1960 right next to it asking $500 for it...

I told him, "look, the dustcap on these ones are smaller, that means the speakers arent as loud... and there is 4 of them... " so he took off $300... and then he got in more marshall cabs and was charging more for them so he told me take it today for $200... i told him I didnt have that much on me and he asked how much do you have on you, i said... $100... (that put the total at $150 since i put $50 on it for him to hold it)... $150 cab...

Game. Set. Match.
That is one badass deal!

The Recto cabs are like 1200-1300 euros here...

...and yeah, hold on to your girl!
Damn I have a JSX, and I'm not happy with the way it sounds. Your sounds awesome, I guess I need another speaker. What channel do you use for the Rhytm sound?