I just discovered Himinbjorg...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I picked up the Haunted Shores promo on eBay for a couple of bucks and eventually listened to it this morning. Wow - this is pretty intense progressive Viking metal on Red Stream. They remind me of a mixture of Amon Amarth, Pink Floyd, mid-era Einherjer, and a splash of Cynic!

Any other Himinbjorg fans out there? I have the urge to get everything they've done. :grin:
Yeah, they are quite cool..
"In the raven's shadow" is great.
Been planning to get some of their stuff for some while, but there is so much other things one wants.
Lutz said:
Yeah, they are quite cool..
"In the raven's shadow" is great.
Been planning to get some of their stuff for some while, but there is so much other things one wants.

Based on the descriptions at Red Stream, it seems like they went from "furious" blasting metal to this "slowed down" progressive pagan style over a short period of time.

Do you know if In the Raven's Shadow is drastically different to, say, Haunted Shores or Third?
JayKeeley said:
Based on the descriptions at Red Stream, it seems like they went from "furious" blasting metal to this "slowed down" progressive pagan style over a short period of time.

Do you know if In the Raven's Shadow is drastically different to, say, Haunted Shores or Third?
True.. The older material is faster and more Black Metal, and less experimental.. More traditional.. Fucking great Viking/Pagan Metal!

I have not heard "Haunted Shores" but "In The Raven's Shadow" is very different from "Third". You should try to track down a sample of the song "Rising", awesome song. (msg me if you have trouble finding it and I can provide it..)
From what I've heard I like the older Himinbjörg better.

Damnit, thanks to this thread I need to put "In The Raven's Shadow" into my next order, thanks for reminding me ;)
Demonspell said:
Anywhere I can hear this band...those comparison points have me intrigued and a bit skeptical at the same time... :)

Red Stream might have a few MP3's since they're on that label. www.redstream.org

Here's the real kicker - just when I get into Haunted Shores, the bastard CD gets stuck in my car stereo CD player! Seriously! I mean, what are you supposed to do when that happens?

Anyone got any ideas? Help!:erk:
markgugs said:
Anyone who's interested could also check with Root Of All Evil (another friend of Royal Carnage), at www.rootofallevil.com, they sometimes carry most (if not all) of the Himinbjorg albums. I got the first two for $5 each!

Well since my CD has got stuck in the CD car stereo, I am truly screwed right now for more Himinbjorg (or anything in the car!).

I checked out root of all evil, and they don't have any in stock (on the site). I checked out red stream, and they have Haunted Shores in EIGHT panel digipak, and In the Ravens Shadow in CHROME digipak. Sounds enticing..., but I have way too many unwrapped CDs right now!

By the way, I finally ordered a CD rack from boltz.com. :cool: