i just got into katatonia

buy viva emptiness then the great cold distance then tonight's decision then discouraged ones and you'll be a rockstar
I don't understand people who ask others what to buy, I mean, just check it out and buy the one that appeals the most to you. This is only the 57th thread of this kind on this board..

All Peaceville Kata-albums except the last one are in mid-price now, so..
I mean I know i'd go with the pink power ranger cuz she had it goin for her
First of all hooray for you finding katatonia!! :kickass: :kickass: :rock:

I got Last Fair Deal Gone Down first cuz i had heard Disspossession and was blown away, then picked up The Great cold distance, then Discouraged ones/Brave murder day together and then i forgot how the other ones fell. but Yea buy em all....
I don't understand people who ask others what to buy,

I have to disagree with you.
Lots of bands go through various changes in their career.
Obviously Katatonia is a perfect example.
The poster probably knows that and stated ownership of LFDGD.

I read it as, "Hey, if I like this album, what are some others I would enjoy"

I think it's a valid question. No reason to knock someone who is getting into a band that you claim to love so much.
i dont recommend the great cold distance but its only my point of view...
i didnt like that album as a whole...i just liked 2 or 3 songs in the tracklist... but heh it seems that everyone here like that album.

i recommend you to download the tracks instead, and if you like them, buy the disk :p
Greetings! Well, I started listening to them as I'm into Doom Metal and heard about them from there and I got Brave Murder Day. To me it's still my favorite album despite most here don't like it, but there is alot of people that don't like that type of sound. I would definitly suggest that, it's one of the best albums I've ever heard. Last Fair Deal Gone Down I got next and though I heard they change thier sound and wasn't playing doom metal anymore I was wondering if I was listening to the same band. I thought it was too weak and boring.After giving it another try I bought Viva Emptiness and really liked it and then Tonight's Decision and loved that. Then Last Fair Deal Gone Down was 10 times better to me. I was told that I'd get hooked on thier new sound if I gave it some time. Now I understand the music and is still as powerful as the doom metal just a little lighter music.
Get Brave Murder Day at least down the road but if you liked the album you have The Great Cold Distance is only second to Brave Murder Day and right ahead of Last Fair Deal Gone Down.