I just got my first fretless 6 today!

HEY dude!!! Good luck with your new bass!!!

By the way, when you come to Brazil, bring your bass too, so we can play a few on it, h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h
Congrats on the bass! i got a carvin 6 also (but it's fretted), it's wonderful (just not the best for slapping- too narrow of string spacings).

Hey Hig, why don't you make one? I have a 5string fretless that used to be a fretted. I recommend try it on a junk bass first. I took a razorblade, slid it under the frets, and gently pried them up and off (don't make any gouges). Then took some medium and fine grade sand paper and a block of wood with a perfectly flat side and sanded it smooth and level. Then i took some super glue and filled in the gaps where the frets used to be. After it dried, I sanded it smooth again. Then took a triangular file and made a thin shallow groove where the fret was, filled it in with white model paint, let it dry, put super glue over it, let it dry, then smooth it down again. Voila! A frettless bass with fretlines. Works very well (but be careful if you try it). At first glance it looks like a fretted.