I just got my marks back from my first year of university D:<


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
Needless to say I was not too impressed
40-45% on the majority of my coursework
66% on my writeup
and then 30% was the worst mark

Right now I'm extremely pissed off at myself for leaving it to last minute and am going to try and nail all assignments as soon as I get them for further marking, although this is by far mostly my fault I couldn't help but think the vagueness of the lecturers suggestions contributed a damn thing.

Hopefully I'll manage to pull my finger out next year and hopefully pass the next year well.

Although I doubt a diploma in studio technology and live performance will contribute anything to my living and professional occupation it would be atleast a bit humbling to hold a piece of paper saying I passed it.
Music is too subjective to have a degree saying you can do it,it sometimes makes me wonder why I took this course and not a wise decision like IT or history

dropped out of my course music production course

apart from the chance to use some high end studio equipment for free, i don't see any point in going back as the piece of paper won't really mean jack shit...

if i pay to get a Pro-Tools license however...
Music is too subjective to have a degree saying you can do it,it sometimes makes me wonder why I took this course and not a wise decision like IT or history

Exactly, the won't grade you on your musical ability in things like recording because thats too subjective for any proper analysis, so they will grade you on things such as the quality of your essays or presentation ability, sometimes on an even more arbitrary basis.

Ultimately the goal for these music courses I've found is to just push everyone through with a certificate, so they really are worth jack shit, the lecturers will do anything to let you pass, up here at least they possess the power to grade everything with an outside authority only doing checks so they can basically hand you out whatever mark they want based on whether they like you or not.

I've just finished a two year course and I have a feeling I'm about to get fucked off with a B, despite having done the most work out of any student, worked myself to the bone, handed all my stuff in early and once been almost accused of plagiarism because as a lecturer put it "students don't write like this". :lol:

And yes, everything is extremely vague and in management speak, I think the vagueness is so they can get everyone to pass.
having a degree in history is NOT a wise decision dude

Is it not ? I thought it was seen as like an all rounder to get you a fairly standard job.

To kev: Im in glyndwr uni right now (wrexham, near chester) but the main reason im here is its cheap. Welsh students get like half price tuition im only paying 800 a year
damn, maybe I should just stick at this and honestly just work my ass off, it seems so much of this is based off of portfolio rather than a degree but I honestly think I might aswell have the degree for more corporate things (should they ever swing my way)

Everyone has qualifications for industries that have no employment opportunities here in the UK.
Basically the only jobs are stacking shelves in asda etc, stuff like that.
Even those are getting tight in the recession. I remember hearing about a position in Morrisons down England that had over 1500 applicants!
Only industry that's got some potential is green energy, as the government seem keen to push that over the next few years.

A degree in audio is never going to lead to a job except for teaching degree's in audio, so you can teach more people to get into an industry in which there are no jobs!