i just got my xmas bonus.


  • pay off most of the bills, and BUY THAT BASS YOU DON'T NEED BUT REALLY WANT

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • shame markgugs' CD collection into the stone age with the biggest The End purchase in HISTORY

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • be responsible, but buy a nice bottle of scotch.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • booze and women. lots of each.

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
now, i have some hefty bills to pay off AND should save up a bit of cash for a pending vacation next year and/or tax season BUT i want to be stupid and spendy and buy a new bass anyhow.

decide my fate. wait for my poll to grace thy lips.
Buy cd's. You already have a trusty bass, and you still have plenty of time before they shut off your utilities. Also buy yourself a good meal. May I suggest a burrito?
markgugs said:
I so badly want to vote for "shame markgugs's CD collection..." but let's face it, there simply aren't that many shitty albums in the world for you to buy.
now see, to anyone who hates markgugs that post is a PRIME EXAMPLE of why you don't get him and his antics. the man can talk trash like nobody else. :lol: x say... 52.
well somebody keep me posted on the god damn Solstiaririfir album otherwise i'll forget!

and i have 4 basses thankyouverymuch, one completely unplayable so more like 3. :p


this sumbitch is way cheaper than the bass i want so i could probably purchase it guilt free instead!
i've never purchased a hooker. in fact when approached by hookers, it was never a consideration. but i'd have no problems buying one if she was hot and i was bored*.

