check out this email i just got from my vocalist.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
this is why even though i bitch about my band sometimes, i'm very proud to be a part of three sheets. this was in response to an email i sent earlier today saying "hey i'm burning you dudes some empyrium to check out"
shitz said:
Who the fuck is empyrium? Name wise it's in about the same "neck of the woods" as "Hate Forest". Hmm, that would've been a better name for the Village. Man, I still don't see how anyone could've dug that movie though, unless they thought the blind chick was hot. I did, but that were'nt nearly enough. For the only 3 sheet video, we should create a society in the res called the Illage, where we live on a boat, and the thing that we don't speak of is work. And when chick's refuse skull, we cast ye overboard.
maybe i'm just drunk, but this shit is funny. oh yeah "the res" is a water reservior up in the hills we drive up to sometimes, get drunk, and throw beer bottles at each other. i scored up there a few times SCOOCOREORORE.
still though, i really liked the village. it's actually my favorite m. night shhememelyalyan movie. I ADMIT IT!!!

I XCAN'T DRIVE......... THRU 55 NUNS!!!!!111

whoa, that's only funny when i'm drunk i just know it.
okay, do you dudes have monster magnet - power trip?

becqause it doesn't matter if you even like the music, one of the band photos is one of the dudes DRIVING OVER THE POPE WITH A CAR FULL OF NAKED NUNS and ti rules.
okay scratch taht, they are just half naked watirteress chicks but the running over of the pope (and a cardinal and some nun) still aplyiiesl
seriously. the album is still good though! dave wyndorf is cool because he hates like, christians and stuff. oh and he does a lot of drugs. that puts a man pretty high in my book honestly, which is why i e-rape e-bortion on an e-regular e-basis.