Just got this email from Billy Milano

Emily said:
no, my little sexpot, im in socal...
i am scottish, thats whats with the plaid and tartan army things...
You know the best part about flirting online? You can't smell my rank onion breath this here tater salad is giving me right now. :loco:
lizard said:
One Inch Man = Adrian, I've forgotten what acct he's using :)
Hey now, my fake accounts haven't seen much light in the past 6 months, thankyouverymuch. :p Except Albert Fish, I think I started a thread with him a few weeks ago. WHOOPS I LET MY SECRET GO!
I'm standing on my head and juggling three chainsaws, while reciting the Declaration of Independence. Backwards.

I have no camera, you're just going to have to trust me.
Emily said:
are you naked?
My boss actually draws the line there. He just walked in and looked at me while I was standing on my head and juggling three chainsaws while reciting the Declaration of Independence backwards, and said "you know if you were naked I'd have to fire you. As it stands, carry on."
I can get drunk and stay out aaaaaaaaaall night, yelling at stars and such (I'm really good at it too, at least that's what I've been told).
Emily said:
can you do that naked?
You're too keen on seeing me naked, that's how I spend about 10 hours of my day and trust me, it ain't something to write home about. Unless you're into beerguts and hairy asses, in which case maybe it is. :loco:
Erik said:
hahaha ... NAD scores another internet date. you ARE good at this :lol:

this must be a record by the way ... 7 pages in and we are still on topic :loco: (well, somewhat)