I just received an email forward from a coworker...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Blah blah blah, some shite sap story, ends with this:
This story should help us to realize two things: First, that though it has been two years since the attacks, we should never let it become a mere tragic memory. And second, but most important, God is always in control. We may not see the reason behind things, and we may never know this side of heaven, but God is ALWAYS in control.
Does this mean I can send along a forward pointing out the inherent fallacy of Christianity? This didn't exactly offend me, but wouldn't this qualify for stepping over the boundaries of common workplace small talk?

I just find it funny that so many people assume that everyone believes in a deity, and furthermore one as overarching as this wacko father figure portrayed by modern reborner Christians.

Discuss, spam, or ignore. Thanks! :Spin:
dude, I sent you that. you forgot to read the whole thing!!!


This story should help us to realize two things: First, that though it has been two years since the attacks, we should never let it become a mere tragic memory. And second, but most important, God is always in control. We may not see the reason behind things, and we may never know this side of heaven, but God is ALWAYS in control.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thatt wuz TEH FUNNAY!!!!!!!!111 LOLOLOMG!!!lmao HAHA! :lolll:
That is pretty much how I believe all christians to be. I do not think being honest and open about ones opinions (which means replying to that) would be intelligent at work as one could get fired really quickly.
Not just Christians, but Musilms are probably worse. Some time ago, I used to get spam e-mails from co-workers (we have 20,000 employees around the world) who would obviously go through the e-mail list and pick out all the people with Islamic names. So, since I have an Islamic name, I would be the recipent of all this 'innocent' stuff about Muslim holidays, prayer festivals, blah bloody blah.

After a while, it pissed me off so I wrote a note to the sender asking them politely not to send me anymore of this crud. And I never got any spam from them anymore. It literally just stopped. Now had they been Jehova's Witnesses....
Man that is funny, in a :rolleyes: kind of way.

It's funny how everyone picks on Jehova's Witnesses, because when I was growing up that was the one religious group that would always leave you alone as soon as you said no thanks. I was literally chased down by an Asian Christian convert one time, and the reborner neighbors up the street were constantly hounding me. Our Jehova's Witness neighbors never brought up religion to me and I was a regular visitor to their house, just once or twice a year they'd make their rounds and pass out pamphlets. They knew I was a heathen too, I used to trade metal CDs with their kids. :Smokedev:
I use to (exagerration - it has happened) talk to them when they come and ask about some stuff and get really badexplanations, and I find that funny.
NAD said:
It's funny how everyone picks on Jehova's Witnesses, because when I was growing up that was the one religious group that would always leave you alone as soon as you said no thanks. I was literally chased down by an Asian Christian convert one time, and the reborner neighbors up the street were constantly hounding me. Our Jehova's Witness neighbors never brought up religion to me and I was a regular visitor to their house, just once or twice a year they'd make their rounds and pass out pamphlets. They knew I was a heathen too, I used to trade metal CDs with their kids. :Smokedev:

[stupid teenager stuff]
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i really hate to get spam emails about religion, or to be treated by people like its obvious that i believe in god.

i once said "oh my goat" next to a co-worker of mine, and she was like:
"its oh my god" and im like.. "no, i meant my goat. mmm'kay?"
and i was smiling of course because i wouldnt start this conversation with an old co-worker, but she said something like:
"oh dont be silly, you meant to say god..."

its funny in a way.
not that i believe a goat is my god,
im not religious at all, i think im an atheist.
but why did she took it for granted that it has to be "god"
you know?

its those little things at work that amuses me.

Opeth17 said:
I find it hilarious though that every time something bad happens to a christian it was "God's Will" when almost every time it was their own damn fault and their too dumb to realize it.
Oh, they probably realize whose fault it was in their subconscious... But it's easier to blame God and don't have to change yourself or think about your actions.
Not sure if any of you have seen the comedy movie Airplane? I think it was made in the late 70's...anyway, there are a few scenes which depict Hare Krishna's selling little flowers in the airport, and literally chasing people around getting them to buy a flower, or maybe a book.

Anyway, the point is, in the UK, this is how Jehova's Witnesses are percieved. Not the regular JW's who might live down the street, but their missionarries. They go knocking door to door, and they have this amazing technique which prevents you from being able to slam the door shut. It's like some kind of Jedi mind trick!!! Once I was fooled into letting them into my house, and I had to even make them a cup of tea! Next thing I know, they told me that there would be an eventual list of qualified candidates to enter heaven. I couldn't believe my ears - even within something so eccentric as the JW religion, there is a finite number of people that can go to heaven.

I mean, somewhere along the line, unless you win the fucking Jehova's Witness lottery, you're fucked no matter how much you worship the lord. This all reminds me of my US green card application. :loco:
Between the ages of 6 and 12, I watched Airplane I and II at least once a week, in reverse sequence every time because part II was at the beginning of my taped copy (gotta love SLP, 6 hours on a 2 hour tape, DVD be damned! :erk: ).

I shall give credit where credit is due for using "oh my goat."

I thought Brits were obliged to give tea to anyone who comes to their door? :)
I have photocopies of hilarious articles about the evils of heavy metal from various JW magazines. If you people could read Swedish I'd scan some.
If any of my mates sent me an email like that they'd get a bloody bollocking and probably a damn good hiding too!